Wine Soap, Golfing Inside, and Changing our Phone Message
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Wine Soap, Golfing Inside, and Changing our Phone Message

Aired February 12, 2016

New products introduced in this episode:

Mess-reducing anti-gravity painting tool!


Electronic fingerless mitts shaped like cute toast.


Legendary warmth for your hands and feet.


Play a full hole of golf in your living room.


Versatile and unique high pressure water bottle.


Solid lotion that looks like a bar of soap.


Giftable assortment of wine-inspired soaps.


New videos since the last episode:

Fidget, shape, and sculpt!
Mesmerizing kinetic sand landscape that glows in the dark.
The app-enabled robotic sphere that does it all!
Inflatable arm chair that looks like delicious candy.
Speakers embedded in a comfy headband.

New styles of current favorites introduced in this episode:

Check out the other episodes! They rock, too!