Awesome Time #79
Want to shop in person? Now you can!

Awesome Time #79

Aired May 22, 2015

New products introduced in this episode:

Say yes to an adult beverage!


Honor and congratulate with a long-distance high five.


Serve refreshing beverages out of a melon.


Fold-flat portable silicone bucket


Compact and effective weapon.

From $2.99 to $27.99

Alley-oop mallows into this handcrafted mug.


Adorable mismatched animal socks.


New videos since the last episode:

Warped spheroid maze puzzle that’ll twist your mind.
Officially-licensed hand-drawn playing cards.
Putty that changes color with heat.
Reanimated lawn ornament will "liven" up your garden.
Check out this bonus video on our YouTube Channel!
Check out this bonus video on our YouTube Channel!

Check out the other episodes! They rock, too!