Crazy Candy, Food & Drink
Bite-sized cookies that taste like cupcakes.
Candy pellets that fizz like a soft drink!
A butterscotch cream soda inspired by the wizarding world.
Intense candies with a pungent sour pickle flavor.
Sriracha and salt infused milk chocolate.
Breakaway chocolate in the shape of a mystery Mario character.
Freeze dried AirHeads candy.
Jelly Belly jelly beans that taste like Krispy Kreme donuts.
A delicious carbonated drink made with real cocoa!
Sweet sodas flavored like delicious pies.
A hard candy breakfast you can lick!
Add amazing boba to any beverage!
A pack of dried, edible scorpions—stinger and all!
A freeze-dried version of the popular rainbow-colored candy.
Happy little energy drink.
Flavored snacks made with real whole crickets.
Fun Fact #105:
We made The World's Largest Bath Bomb, which weighed over 2,000 pounds and turned The Evil Boss’ entire swimming pool black!
Individually wrapped, ready-to-eat sweet bacon.
Sour dill cotton candy.
An energy drink with an authentic cola taste.
A citrus energy drink with realistic expectations.
Super sour candy with double-flavor combinations!
Pack of sixteen-inch-long Twizzlers!
Over a pound of the popular movie theater candy.
Frosted crispy rice treat that looks like an ice cream cone.
Delicious cake bites with funfetti-flavored coating.
A carbonated, orange-flavored drink straight out of the Simpsons.
Bite-size sandwich cookies styled like hamburgers.
A carbonated soft drink with a sweet pickle taste.
A unique sweet drink flavored like fresh-cut grass.
Sour cubes with a cosmically delicious candy coating.
Gum so sour it'll make you cry!
Results 31 -
of 202