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Entertainment in the name of shameless self-promotion!
We add new products to our online catalog at a fairly fast rate. Our e-mail newsletter is an easy way to stay up to date.
But we're not just going to bash you over the head with product after product after product after product (ouch!). No, we're going to have videos, silly GIFs, and witty text as well as product after product after product after product. Not bad for free, eh?
We'll do our best to keep you entertained
It's no secret that we're trying to sell you stuff. However, we feel a sense of duty to be entertaining if we're going to subject you to our sales pitch.
We won't sell your e-mail address
We hate spam just as much as you do. The only thing we're going to do with your e-mail address is send you weekly doses of awesome.
Easy to unsubscribe
Every email has a link which you can use to unsubscribe from the list.
Save money
We do not believe in convoluted "offers" in which you have to wrangle sixteen people into calling us and mentioning the "special word" in order to save 5% off your order.
Our coupons are cash discounts that you redeem simply by entering a promo code during the checkout process.