36 Cube Puzzle: Can you solve the World's Most Challenging Puzzle?
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36 Cube Puzzle

The World's Most Challenging Puzzle.

36 Cube Puzzle
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The 36 Cube is an addictive and insanely difficult puzzle. Your goal is to create a level 6x6 cube by strategically placing the thirty-six varied-height colored towers onto the gray base. The catch is that each color must be represented in each column and row. Think of it like a Sudoku puzzle - but in 3D.

This puzzle is so challenging that the instruction booklet reassures you that the puzzle can indeed be solved. Dang.

Ages 8+. Happy puzzling!

Features & specs

  • Dimensions: 6" x 6" x 4.5"
  • Recommended Ages 8+
  • Incredibly difficult. Seriously.

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This puzzle is really, really difficult.

The 36 Cube is deemed by its inventor as the "World's Most Challenging Puzzle". When we caught wind of that claim we thought, "Riiiight."

Fast-forward hours later and we're ready to smash it to bits with a sledgehammer. It's a serious mangler of brains. Although we know it's bad for our ego, we continually return to the 36 Cube to try to solve it.

The 36 Cube Puzzle is one of the world's most challenging.
The 36 Cube Puzzle: The World's Most Challenging Puzzle.

It's like a 3D Sudoku, so it's wicked hard.

Here's how the puzzle works: Your goal is to build the cube so that one of each colored tower is placed in every row and column.

There are 36 towers (six of each color in each of the six sizes). You must place the towers on the base to form a level cube. Good luck.

The 36 Cube Puzzle requires that one of each color tower be placed in every row and column.
The incredibly difficult 36 Cube requires that one of each color tower 
be placed in each row and column to form a level cube.

Can you solve the 36 Cube?

You know a puzzle is hard when the instructions reiterate that the puzzle can indeed be solved. We're glad they wrote that because there have been a few times when we've been skeptical of its solvability. That's probably because we've never successfully solved the 36 Cube. But legend has it that others have...prove your super-smartness and solve the 36 Cube!

Frustrating? Yes. Impossible? No.
The instructions repeatedly assert that the 36 Cube can indeed be solved.

A beguiling puzzle that will entertain for hours

At Vat19.com, we love us some puzzles. They give your brain muscle a good workout (and a chance to impress other people with your über-smartness). Of course, you can't do that impressin' unless you own the puzzle. Hint, hint. Buy it now!

There are 36 colored tower pieces. Place them properly to create a cube.
We double dare you to solve the 36 Cube.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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