Art on a Shoestring: Create Amazing Art on a Budget
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Art on a Shoestring DVD: Create Amazing Art on a Budget

Over a dozen art projects on a shoestring budget.

Art on a Shoestring DVD
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
Art on a Shoestring DVD image
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Item #2056


Learn the secrets to creating beautiful pieces of art using everyday materials from around the house.

Cherie Lynn shows you how to turn common items like buttons, string, and cardboard into precious works of art.

Create your own brand of wrapping paper, mosaic stepping stones for your garden, African rain sticks, paper mache sculptures, clay vases and lots more!

Features & specs

  • 13 Projects
  • Paper Mache Vase, Agamograph, Flower Pot
  • Edible Creatures, Matisse Cutouts, Rainstick
  • Weavings, Mosaic Stepping Stone, Tissue Box Holder
  • Stuffed fish, Custom Wrapping Paper
  • Wood Block Design, Bottle Cap Shaker
  • This item is a Vat19 exclusive!

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Create Amazing Art on a Budget

Learn the secrets to creating beautiful pieces of art using everyday materials from around the house.

Cherie Lynn shows you how to turn common items like buttons, string, and cardboard into precious works of art.

Make your own Agamograph!

Create a mesmerizing piece that changes its look depending on where you are standing when you view it!




Make sure you check out the entire Cherie Lynn Art Series!

Art on a Shoestring will teach you how to make all of these projects!

Paper Mache Vase
Edible Creatures
Matisse Paper Cut-outs
 African Rainstick
Bottlecap Shaker
Mosaic Stepping Stone
Tissue Box Holder Weaving
 Stuffed FishWood block DesignCustom Wrapping Paper 

Printable Instructions and Supply Lists

Just like all of the DVDs in the Cherie Lynn Art Series, Art on a Shoestring contains printable instructions and supply lists.

Simply insert the DVD into your computer to print them out. You can also view these lists on the DVD themselves (pictured at left).


Superb Instruction

Cherie Lynn, your experienced host and twenty-year K-8 art educator, provides you with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction. This is accompanied by helpful graphical explanations and tips as well as safety reminders for your little ones.

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