Blabbi: A game of made-up words and definitions!
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A game of made-up words and definitions!

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Item #6082


Try to convince your friends that a “blorpdoodle” is a type of space jelly while playing Blabbi, a party game where spelling goes sideways and definitions get downright dizzy!

Similar to word games like Scrabble, players take turns placing letter tiles on the board to create words. There’s just one twist: every word must be completely made up! Your challenge is to spin believable definitions from jibberish as you try to justify your preposterous pretend words by concocting convincing (or completely kooky) definitions based on oddly specific topic cards.

From mascots to alternative medicines, these topics prompt a variety of definitions. Gain 100 points by explaining "lefkiss" as a specialty drink or rack up 300 points by convincing your friends that "borka" is a happy accident. The other players will vote yes or no if they find the definition convincing or funny enough, so get them on your side to get the points!

Whether or not you're a skilled wordsmith, Blabbi is ready for you to let loose your lexicon and pretend like you've read a dictionary.

Features & specs

  • A party game where players invent definitions for made-up words.
  • Approx. package dimensions: 9.5" x 7" x 2" (24.1cm x 17.8cm x 5.1cm)
  • Contents: 100 letter tiles, 80 topic cards, 8 voting cards
  • Players: 2+
  • Gameplay: 45-90 minutes
  • Ages 12+

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