Poppin' Cotton Candy: Infused with Pop Rocks!
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Poppin' Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy Infused with Pop Rocks!

Poppin' Cotton Candy
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Poppin' Cotton Candy image
Poppin' Cotton Candy image
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  • Poppin' Cotton Candy
  • Watch video for: Poppin' Cotton Candy
  • Poppin' Cotton Candy — Blue Raspberry
  • Poppin' Cotton Candy — Grape
  • Poppin' Cotton Candy — Pina Colada
  • Poppin' Cotton Candy — Strawberry
Poppin' Cotton Candy - Blue Raspberry
Blue Raspberry
This item has been discontinued.
Poppin' Cotton Candy - Grape
This item has been discontinued.
Poppin' Cotton Candy - Pina Colada
Pina Colada
This item has been discontinued.
Poppin' Cotton Candy - Strawberry
This item has been discontinued.


Cotton Candy is crazy awesome. It's light, fluffy, and down right delicious. So how does one take something so amazing and make it even better? Answer: Collaborate with something just as cool.

Poppin' Cotton Candy is mouth-watering cotton candy infused with the real popping action of Pop Rocks!

Poppin' Cotton Candy is handmade in the USA and is available in four flavors (Blue Raspberry, Strawberry, Pina Colada, and Grape).

Features & specs

  • Volume: 32 ounces (1 quart)
  • Weight: 3 ounces of cotton candy
  • Infused with Pop Rocks!
  • Freakin' delicious, y'all
  • 4 flavors

What's fluffy, delicious, and rocks your mouth?

The answer is simple: Poppin' Cotton Candy! Each bite of this delicious treat is overflowing with mouth-popping Pop Rocks and toothsome spun sugar.

Man eating Cotton Candy infused with Pop Rocks!
Poppin' Cotton Candy is cotton candy infused with Pop Rocks.

Cotton Candy + Pop Rocks = Your New Obsession

No one will ever confuse Vat19 with a health food store. And that's the way we like it! Side note: There's nothing wrong with a few sweet treats as long as it is done in moderation.

So, you really owe it to yourself to check out this simple, yet 100% addictive new candy treat called Poppin' Cotton Candy. It's spun sugar (aka cotton candy) infused with Pop Rocks! Simple, but oh so effective on your taste buds.

Delicious spun sugar plus rocking pop rocks equals Poppin' Cotton Candy.
Sometimes the yummiest solution is the simplest: Cotton Candy + Pop Rocks = Straight Awesome.

Available in four tasty flavors

Poppin' Cotton Candy is currently available in: Blue Raspberry, Grape, Strawberry, and Tropical Pina Colada.

All flavors of Poppin' Cotton Candy include large doses of Pop Rocks. The flavor of Pop Rocks is assorted, but typically includes equal amounts of strawberry, watermelon, and tropical punch.

Poppin' Cotton Candy is available in four delicious flavors.
Choose from four lip-smacking varieties of Poppin' Cotton Candy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What are the ingredients?

Answer: Sugar, artificial color and artificial flavors. Please note that the artificial color (dye) contains soy.

Question: Is this healthy for me?

Answer: No.

Question: What are the nutrition facts?

Answer:Calories = 220. Total Carbs = 56g. Sugars = 56g. Protein = 3g. These values are per tub of Poppin' Cotton Candy.

Question: Does it really taste that good?

Answer: Yes. We're not going to add something to our epic lineup of gummy, cookies, and lollipops if it wasn't freakin' amazing. Trust us on this one. They're awesome!

Question: Why does the tub say "Tiki Pop" on it?

Answer: That's what the manufacturer calls it. We thought "Poppin' Cotton Candy" reflected the nature of the product a bit more. No biggie.

This product has been discontinued. Frown face!

Sorry, but this item is no longer available for purchase.

Burning Questions: You Ask and We Answer

Burning Questions: You ask and we answer!
Your questions that have been answered by the Vat19.com staff:
Is it halal?
Yes. In fact, we were recently sent letters of certification ensuring us that this product is in fact halal.
Is this halal? As in no gelatin, or animal bi-products. Can you please write me the ingredients. It will be a huge help. Thank-You!
Yes. In fact, we were recently sent letters of certification ensuring us that this product is in fact halal.
I was looking to get this for two of my cousins for christmas, it is now october 26 2012, would it still be edible and not stale by christmas if ordered now and obvioulsy not opened?
It's tricky with cotton candy, as humidity and heat can greatly affect the shelf life. The cotton candy will not go bad, but waiting several months might cause the cotton candy to "deflate" before you finally open it.
Where is it made??
Poppin' Cotton Candy is handmade in the USA.
If it gets shipped for 5 days, will it unfluffify? Like will it deflate?
That can sometimes happen, but it's actually quite rare. If your cotton candy does deflate please let us know.
Does the Pina Colada flavor really contains some alcohol in it? If yes, is it still safe for kids to eat?
No, it's simply the flavor. We do not sell any alcoholic candies on Vat19.
What flavour of pop rocks are in the cotton candy? By the way vat19 is awesome!
Each container of Poppin' Cotton Candy contains equal amounts of Watermelon, Tropical Punch, and Strawberry flavored Pop Rocks.
Is this product kosher?
Yes, Poppin' Cotton Candy is kosher.
can't I just take some cotton candy put it in my mouth then take the pop rocks and put those in with the cotton and chew or is it just the flavour of the cotton candy just sayin:-}
You could do that. You could also drink hot water and pour coffee grounds in your mouth, but it'd hardly be the same as a cup of coffee.
Is pina colada alcoholic?
No. We do not sell any alcoholic cotton candies.
How does the candy stick on?
The Pop Rocks are added while the cotton candy is being made. This is how we get Pop Rocks throughout the entirety of the cotton candy.
Do you ship this to singapore?
Yes we are able to ship to Singapore as well as over 70 other countries worldwide.
What if i ate it in space?
Then you'd have a bellyful of cotton candy... IN SPACE!
Can this become hard if lid is open
Yes, just like any other cotton candy.
Will you ever combine flavors?
We do not have plans for mixed flavors at this time. Please keep checking back as any and all updates will be put on the product page.
When will you guy's ever stop being awesome?
Nope! Being awesome is what keeps the lights on!
What is your favorite flavor?
All four combined!
If we live in like Singapore , japan or other countries can we still buy them and you will deliver to us???
Yes. All of the countries we offer shipping to are listed here.
What flavors of pop rocks are in the blue raspberry cotton candy?
They're assorted flavors. The flavor of the cotton candy completely overpowers the flavor of the pop rocks.
Are the pop rocks the same flavor of the cotton candy? like blue raspberry cotton candy and blue raspberry pop rocks?
The Pop Rocks are assorted, but they don't have much of an affect on the flavor of the cotton candy.
Is this halal?
Yes. In fact, we were recently sent letters of certification ensuring us that this product is in fact halal.
Can you really feel the popping like in regular pop rocks?
Yep! The reason for this is because the cotton candy is filled with real Pop Rocks.
Can it melt?
Cotton candy doesn't melt so much as it deflates.
Does it come in a set,or you just get one?
Each tub of Poppin' Cotton Candy is sold individually.
Apple flavor soon?
I'm sorry, but we don't plan on carrying an apple flavored version of the Poppin' Cotton Candy.
Can't I just buy pop rocks and cotton candy and mix them in a blender to make this?
The consistency of cotton candy doesn't really lend itself to being able to be stirred or blended, so no.
What if i mixed this with soda? now that would be a cool video
The cotton candy would instantly dissolve and the Pop Rocks would go crazy!
How many servings does each tub have?
Each tub equals one serving. Cotton Candy isn't exactly filling.
Can you make sour one?
Sorry, but there are no plans for sour Poppin Cotton Candy at this time.
Is this sold world-wide?
We ship to all of these countries!
Does the grape one taste like awful grape medicine?
Not at all! It tastes delicious, like grape candy!
Will the cotton candy and poprocks pop or dissolve when you put them in water.
The cotton candy will dissolve and the pop rocks will pop, just like when you put them in your mouth.
Will they still taste good if you eat it with coke?
Not only that, but you'll also be helping your dentist put his kids through college. Everyone wins!
Can you just mix pop rocks whith cotton candy?
The consistency of cotton candy doesn't really lend itself to being able to be stirred or blended, so no.
What's the shelf of life and also what's Jon's favorite flavor?
It's tricky with cotton candy, as humidity and heat can greatly affect the shelf life. As you can see in the photos, Jon is particularly fond of the Blue Raspberry.
What are the ingredients?
Sugar, artificial color and artificial flavors.
Do these really have pop rock inside? I never tried them.
They sure do!
How big are the containers?
The containers hold 1 quart and are 5.75" tall.
Can you change the currency from $ to £?
Sadly we cannot, but you can use Google to determine the current exchange rate. We will automatically charge the correct amount when you check out online with your credit card, PayPal, or Amazon account.
I've heard that some pop rocks contain dairy. does this contain dairy?
Pop Rocks do contain lactose (milk sugar).
are there going to be more flavours?
Maybe someday!
What are the flavors of the infused pop-rocks? (Looking for certain allergens.)
The flavor of Pop Rocks is assorted, but typically includes equal amounts of strawberry, watermelon, and tropical punch.
Shelf life?
Poppin' Cotton Candy doesn't really have a sell-by date, but they do have a shelf life of approximately 3 months. These tend to sell very quickly, so the odds of getting one that is anywhere near that date are very slim.
Does just the cotton cand have flavors, or do the pop rocks have the same flavors?
The flavor of Pop Rocks is assorted, but typically includes equal amounts of strawberry, watermelon, and tropical punch.
I am from singapore i would like to buy it but i do not know how much it will cost in singapore?
Since currency exchange rates change every day, I would suggest doing a Google search for the current exchange rate on the day you place your order.
Is the cotton candy filled all the way to the brim?
Yes! Each tub is stuffed with delicious cotton candy.
Are you gonna ever make new flavors for it like cola or and watermelon?
We don't have plans for more flavors right now, but there's always the possibility for more in the future.
Is this thing halal?
I would assume so since really the only ingredient is sugar, but you might want to double-check with your imam just to be on the safe side.
Arr they official official poprocks and not a spinoff or knock off of poprocks?
What do we look like, some sort of shady street vendor? Of course they contain real Pop Rocks.
What if i put the poppin cotton candy in the water?
It would dissolve almost instantly.
do you offer shipping to indonesia?
Yes, we do offer shipping to Indonesia!
Is there any dairy in this product?
None at all. It's almost entirely sugar.
How can we pay money to you on mail?
You can't I'm afraid. We do not accept cash or personal checks. We are able to accept cashier's checks and money orders with our mail-in order form, but beyond that you'll have to pay online.
How much sugar does this contain, will this rotten my teeth and will I get sick if I eat too much of this?
Cotton candy is almost nothing but sugar. As with all candies, eating too much will almost certainly give you a tummy ache.
Is it sour?
Nope! Poppin' Cotton Candy is sweet and delicious.
What is this junk made of?
Sugar and artificial coloring. Not much else, honestly.
Why did you get rid of the candy dispenser?
It was discontinued by the manufacturer. Sorry!
Are these made by the company who makes Pop Rocks?
No, but the Pop Rocks are authentic.
Does it come with extra pop rocks because it says each tub comes with large dose of pop rocks and then it says but tiply has thease flavors watermelon star........ You get my point
It does not come with extra Pop Rocks, but trust me when I say that there are plenty in there. I've already finished a whole tub and every bit had plenty of Pop Rocks in it.
Coolio! I plan on trying this sometime! Oh BTW are they REAL pop rocks or a fake replica of them?
They're the real deal and every bit as fizzy as you remember.
Can you make some different flavours.
There are no plans for more flavors. Sorry!
Is Poppin' Cotton Candy suitable for celiacs?
You should check with your doctor, but pretty much the only ingredient is sugar. If you can have normal cotton candy then it should be okay to have Poppin' Cotton Candy.
Which is your fav flavor, I would like the blue raspberry
I honestly don't have one; they're all delicious!
Are they gluten free?
Yes. Cotton candy is pretty much just 100% sugar.
hi! i'm 11, and I really want to buy one of your products, but I don't have a credit card. do you take cash?
I'm sorry, but we do not accept cash. Furthermore, you absolutely must have your parents' permission before placing orders here or anywhere online.
Are you selling a Halal food?
This product is halal, however most of our candies, such as the gummies, are not.
Do the pop rocks taste like soda or fruit?
They're the classic flavors of strawberry, watermelon, and tropical punch.
How many containers of Tiki pop do you recommend for a 30 person party?
Since each container is approximately one (1) serving, I would suggest ordering 30 containers.
I live in the washington state,will it melt if I wont by the melt protection?Also,how many days will it take?
Melt protection is not necessary for Poppin Cotton Candy. The cost of shipping and the estimated arrival dates will vary depending on the shipping method you choose at checkout. For shipping estimates, simply click the "Calculate Shipping" link above the green "Add to Cart" button near the top of any product page.
In the newsletter, you had white cotton candy. Do you have that flavor in stock as well?
That was the coconut flavor. We no longer carry that flavor.
How long is the average sell by date?
Poppin' Cotton Candy doesn't really have a sell-by date, but they do have a shelf life of approximately 3 months. These tend to sell very quickly, so the odds of getting one that is anywhere near that date are very slim.
When you put pop rocks in the cup does it really turn into cotton candy and by the way you have some awesome products!
Thanks! I'm afraid I'm not sure what you're asking. The Pop Rocks are infused into the cotton candy -- nothing turns into anything.
Is it possible to extract the pop rocks from the cotton candy and eat them on their own?
Maybe a few pieces, but certainly not all of them.
Is it vegan?
It's pretty much straight sugar. There are no animal byproducts.
If the cut arm is made of plush but the real arm is hidden in the shirt,right?
No, we actually dismembered Jon for that scene. Luckily Vat19 offers amazing health insurance and he was right as rain just a week later.
Dose this product contain pig gelatin?
No. In fact, we were recently sent letters of certification ensuring us that this product is in fact halal.
Is there any rum used in the process of making the Piña Colada flavor of Poppin' Cotton Candy?
Sadly no, there is no rum.
Can you ship this abroad? Since you can't ship other food abroad?
Yes, we can ship this product abroad. Most of our candies and gummies can be shipped internationally.
What does the pina colada flavor taste like and don't say pina colada beacuse I don't know what a pina colada tastes like?
It tastes a bit like pineapple and coconut. That's really the best I can say as pina colada is really its own flavor.
Do you use different kind of pop rocks in the cotton candy?
What do we look like, a street vendor in Chinatown? We use name-brand Pop Rocks.
Does the strawberry flavor have strawberry pop rocks?
Each flavor has a mixed assortment of Pop Rocks flavors. The flavor of the cotton candy does overpower the flavor of the Pop Rocks a bit.
You said is not healthy should i risk my health and eat it?
Some risks are worth taking, especially when candy is involved.
What is the taste of pina colada? Is like cola?
Pina Colada is really its own flavor, though it has a blend of coconut and pineapple.
When will it expire?
It's tricky with cotton candy, as humidity and heat can greatly affect the shelf life. It's pretty easy to eat the entire container in one or two sittings, so I don't think you'll need to worry about that.
What if I mix this with Soda?
The cotton candy would immediately dissolve and the soda would get pretty fizzy!
Which one is your favorite???
Definitely the Strawberry, but they are all very tasty!
Are these kosher or halal?
I would assume so since really the only ingredient is sugar, but you might want to double-check with your rabbi or imam just to be on the safe side.
Is it kosher?
Presumably. The only ingredients are sugar and artificial colors.
How much is in a container
Each container holds about 3 ounces of cotton candy.
My friend wants to ask. Can we order those in Europe and in Estonia,too?
Yes, we ship internationally.
How much Cotton Candy is in one container??
One quart. Cotton candy doesn't weigh very much, so we package them by volume rather than by weight.
Do the manufacturers of this product touch the tiki pop? I would hate to be eating a product that was touched.
With their bare hands? No, of course not.
Is the company who made this affiliated with pop-rocks?
They use authentic Pop Rocks, but they're not actually part of the same company. It's sort of like how the iPhone contains electronics made by Samsung.
If you send to a hot country it would melt right?
Cotton candy doesn't so much melt as it deflates, but yes, extreme changes in heat and humidity can in some rare cases cause the cotton candy to deflate.
Do you ship in Haiti?
I'm sorry, but we do not currently offer shipping to Haiti.
Is there a lot of pop rocks it the cotton candy?
You bet! The cotton candy is completely infused with Pop Rocks.
Is the tub small or big?
It's one quart, so I'd say it's fairly large.
I love cotton candy and I love pop rocks is there not enough pop rock in this cotton candy before I order it I would love to know?
There's exactly enough to get the full popping effect!
Is the cotton candy part sour and if it isnt can u make it sour.
No, the cotton candy is not sour. We do not currently have any plans for a sour cotton candy.
What does the pina colanda flavour taste like?
It tastes a bit like pineapple and coconut. That's really the best I can say as pina colada is really its own flavor.
Could I die of "poppin' cotton candy" overdose?
You'd have to eat a LOT of cotton candy for that to happen.
Would this product fit into the Prank Pack gift box?
No, the tub is much too large to fit in a Prank Pack.
Do you guys put melt protection for Poppin' Cotton Candy for shipping?
Cotton candy doesn't really melt as easily as our gummies, so melt protection isn't necessary.
What flavor tastes the best?
They all taste incredible. My favorite is strawberry, but the other flavors are just as amazing.
will there be new flavours?
Sorry, but we don't have plans to add any new flavors at this time.
what flavor is your crews favorite?
Strawberry seems to be the most popular among the staff, but they're all equally delicious.
If i buy the piña colada flavor should i sing the piña colada song with it???
I think it's actually the law in some southern US states.
What happens if I put the cotton candy in Coke?
The cotton candy would dissolve instantly and your Coke would become much, much sweeter than it already is. If you're into martinis, try pouring one over a wad of cotton candy; my wife insists that they're delicious.
Can this candy can be sent to Indonesia? And can Small children should eat a pina colada flavor?
Yes and yes!
I love pineapple but piña coladas usually have alchohol in them can kids still eat it
These do not contain alcohol.
Y'all have more flavors then these 4 right ?
The only flavors we carry are those you see at the top of the page.
Since there's pop rocks in side of the cotton candy do u chew or let it melt in your mouth cause I love to chew the cotton candy but wouldn't the pop rocks get in the way?
Pop Rocks aren't so hard that you can't chew them. As long as the inside of your mouth is wet they'll still pop.
What is halal and kosher?
Halal and kosher are terms used by Muslims and Jews, respectively, to signify that a food or drink adheres to their religious dietary laws.
Do they have alcohol? Plz say no :'(
Poppin' Cotton Candy does not contain alcohol.
This is a really stupid question but... What is tropical pina colada? Is it a pineapple flavor?
It tastes a bit like pineapple and coconut. That's really the best I can say as pina colada is really its own flavor.
How long is your product good for without opening?
Poppin' Cotton Candy doesn't really have a sell-by date, but they do have a shelf life of approximately 3 months.
is the pina colada one OK for kids? or is there alchohol
It's just a flavoring. There is no alcohol. For the record, we do not currently sell ANY products which contain enough alcohol to make them inappropriate for children.
What's the shelf life for the Poppin' Cotton Candy? Thanks!
Poppin' Cotton Candy doesn't really have a sell-by date, but they do have a shelf life of approximately 3 months. These tend to sell very quickly, so the odds of getting one that is anywhere near that date are very slim.
Should I get melt protection?
Cotton candy doesn't really melt as easily as our gummies, so melt protection isn't necessary.
How much is shipping?
Shipping costs will vary depending on the method of shipping you choose at checkout.
Which one is most sour?
None of the Poppin' Cotton Candy flavors are particularly sour.
Do i buy this with malysia Cash / credit card?
Yes, you may use a credit card from any nation (so long as its backed by a major bank/credit company). We cannot accept cash of any kind.
I know the main ingredient is sugar, but is this product made in a facility that also processes wheat? Is Poppin' Cotton Candy gluten free?
The manufacturer has assured me that absolutely no wheat is processed at their facility.
Hey do you guys sell the spatchula that jon was holding in the video?
You mean the Sportula? It's a Vat19 classic!
What's the amount weighted in grams for each tub?
Approximately 85 grams.
How long can they last?
It's tricky with cotton candy, as humidity and heat can greatly affect the shelf life. They're pure sugar though, so there isn't much that can go bad.
Do you guys have your own store?
We are our own store! If you're asking if we have any physical stores however, we do not. Sorry!
How about a bucket sized version?
Maybe someday! We think a quart will hold you over for now, though.
Is there Aspartame in the candy?
Nope! Just pure sugar!
Which pop rocks flavors are in each cotton candy flavor?
Each flavor has an equal distribution of strawberry, watermelon, and tropical punch flavored Pop Rocks.
Are you guys planning to make more flavors? cause that would be cool
It's possible! Please keep checking back for updates.
Is it just me, or does cotton candy seem to warm up while it's melting in your mouth? Why does it do that?!
It's just part of the magic that is cotton candy!
Do they literally fuse pop rocks with cotton candy, or is it something a very similar to pop rocks?
Yep! Those are real Pop Rocks infused in the cotton candy.
Can you change the currency from $ to £?
No -- all prices are listed in US dollars. Actually, we do not accept cash of any kind. We will automatically charge the correct amount when you check out online with your credit card, PayPal, or Amazon account.
Is it gluten free?
Yes, as the only ingredient is sugar.
Is there a lot of pop rocks in each tub of Poppin' Cotton Candy?
Yep! Each bite will guarantee popping goodness.
So, if there are equal amounts of pop rocks in the same flavor, in all of the different kinds, does that mean the actual cotten candy has the flavor, or is it just the color? Because to me, all the different colored cotten candy tastes the same.
The flavors of each type of cotton candy are unmistakeable. We don't believe that you'll have any difficulty telling them apart.
Is there any chance of it melting while being shipped across to other countries?
Cotton candy doesn't melt, per se, but it can deflate if there are extreme changes in heat and humidity. It's rare, but if it does happen we can always assist with a refund or replacement.
Is it vegan?
It's pretty much straight sugar. There are no animal byproducts.
What is the kosher certificate?
It's a special certificate which verifies that this product meets kosher guidelines.
Can I eat it while wearing my horse head mask?
Maybe! That actually sounds like something we'd like to see.
Is it kosher?
I would assume so since really the only ingredient is sugar, but you might want to double-check with your rabbi just to be on the safe side.
What are the Pop Rocks made of?
Sugar and a little carbon dioxide (the same stuff that makes sodas fizzy).
Does it have gluten?
The manufacturer has assured me that absolutely no wheat is processed at their facility.
How much cotton candy is this? (In grams please)
3 ounces is 85 grams of cotton candy.
how many servings per container?
One tub contains one (1) serving.
Are these vegan?
Cotton candy is pure sugar, as are Pop Rocks. If your diet allows either of those you will be okay.
Is it possible to get a discount somehow?
Sure! Just sign up for our email newsletter and use one of the awesome coupons included in each installment.
Did he get the Sportula from spatchula city? (Please tell me you get the reference joke)
What self-respecting child of the 80s (and huge Weird Al fan) wouldn't get it? Thank you for such an awesome reference!
What are the ingredients?
Sugar, artificial color and artificial flavors.
how did you get your vat19 name?
Visit this page for the whole epic tale of how we came to be.
Is there any other flavors then the ones you have now?
What you see is what we've got!
Sometimes when I eat pop rocks they hurt my tongue:(, will the pop rocks in this product hurt?!?!
The Pop Rocks in our Poppin' Cotton Candy are identical to the ones you buy by the package, but none of us have been hurt by a Pop Rock before.
Did you expect this product to sell out this fast.
Of course! Awesome products always sell quickly.
What are pop rocks?
Pop Rocks are tiny candies that actually pop in your mouth.
Do you sell ordinary cotton candy?
No, sorry. Don't get me wrong, ordinary cotton candy is awesome, but we like to crank everything we sell up to 11.
Is this product from Hawaii?
No, but Poppin' Cotton Candy is made here in the US.
Will there be more flavors of cotton candy?
Maybe someday! Pleas keep checking back.
is it halal? , it can be shipped to egypt right?
They aren't marked specifically as being halal, but based on my understanding of it there is nothing that would immediately disqualify Poppin Cotton Candy from being considered halal. Yes, we are able to ship to Egypt.
Is this tasty for me, even though I'm a 12 year old???
Really? I can't think of many kids who DON'T like cotton candy.
Is it the same if I mix normal cotton candy and pop rocks?
I don't know if you've ever tried to stir anything into cotton candy, but it's not exactly easy. These Pop Rocks are infused into the cotton candy as it's being made so that the distribution is even throughout.
This may be a stupid question but is it vegetarian (I've never had cotton candy before).
Cotton candy is pretty much just straight sugar. I think you're okay.
Wasn't the video meant for kids (0:34)? What's up with you guys?!
None of our videos are "meant for kids". While we do have a lot younger fans, Vat19 has never been directly specifically at children.
Will you ever mix to flavors. For example strawberry and blue berry.
Maybe someday, but for now there are no plans to introduce new flavors or flavor combinations.
About how much is in each Popping Cotton Candy?Will it be devoured quickly by one person?
Each tub contains one serving, so yeah, I think one person can very easily polish off a whole container in a single sitting.
Why is Popping Cotton Candy called Tiki Pop on the container?
Because that's the name of the company who makes them. We think "Poppin Cotton Candy" is a little catchier.
What flavor would you recomend the most?
The one you like the best. My favorite is the Strawberry.
Do you deliver these to every single country?
Not every single country on earth, but most of them.
What Pop Rock Flavors Are in It?
Each container of Poppin' Cotton Candy contains equal amounts of Watermelon, Tropical Punch, and Strawberry flavored Pop Rocks.
What does the piña colada flavor taste like?
It tastes a bit like pineapple and coconut. That's really the best I can say as pina colada is really its own flavor.
Excuse me, but i know the Poppin' Cotton Candy is sweet, but is it overly sweet? Thanks
It's basically pure sugar, so yeah, it's pretty darn sweet.
Can u dip this in butter and would be dipping some thing in butter be healthy?
Cotton Candy dissolves in liquid, so dipping it in butter would be both disgusting and difficult.
I've never tried Pop Rocks before. How much sugar is in Pop Rocks?
A lot. Pop rocks, like cotton candy, are pretty much just sugar and flavoring.
So, is it cotton candy mixed in with Pop Rocks? Like, if you have a bowl with cotton candy and Pop Rocks, you just stir it and...tada!?
If you've ever tried to stir cotton candy you'd know that it's not easy to mix things into it. The Pop Rocks were actually added while the cotton candy itself was being spun. This guarantees even distribution.
Can someone under the drinking age have the pina colada one??
There's no actual alcohol in it, so yes.
Is this okay to keep in my clothing drawer, or will it just harden and lose its soft texture???
There's no need to refrigerate cotton candy, if that's what you're asking. Each tub only contains one serving, so I'm not really sure why you'd want to store it for any great length of time.
Do they have any calories?
It's pure sugar, so yes. Each tub contains 220 calories.
What is the serving size?
Each tub contains one serving.
Are there plans to make it on a cone?
I think that would be a little difficult to ship, so no.
Does the strawberry favored cotton candy really taste like strawberry or does it taste like regular cotton candy,same for the blue raspberry?
It tastes like strawberry flavored cotton candy. I know that seems like sort of a non-answer, but it's the best I can do. If you're familiar with cotton candy you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect in terms of flavor.
Ok what is better, nam bits or tiki pop?
They aren't really comparable since they're two different things. They're both delicious, though!
if you keep them too long would the cotton candy turn hard?
Yes, though it would likely begin to "deflate" before it got too hard.
What country is it made in?
Poppin' Cotton Candy is made in the USA.
Why call it tiki pop?
That's actually the brand name. We like Poppin' Cotton Candy better.
Does the Pina Coloda has alcohol ?
No, it's simply flavored like a Pina Colada.
Is this halal?
It's not specifically marketed as such, but the only ingredients are sugar, artificial color and artificial flavors.
What's a pina colada?
Traditionally, a Pina Colada is a delicious tropical drink which tastes a bit like pineapple and coconut. Though the drink is alcoholic, the cotton candy is not.
How does the pop rocks infuse with the cotton candy? Do they just put pop rocks in the cotton candy?
The Pop Rocks are added while the cotton candy is being spun. If the Pop Rocks were added later, then they would just sit at the bottom of the bucket.
i was just fantasizing about how good this would be the other day and i looked on here and you had it! i didnt even know it existed. anyway, if i buy this, will i have to get melt protection for it?
Melt protection isn't really necessary for cotton candy. Melt protection was designed with gummies and other easily melted candies in mind.
You should call this poppin' cotton... just sayin' :)
It is called Poppin' Cotton Candy! The manufacturer calls it Tiki Pop, but we think our name is better.
Why are the poppin cotton candy in a tin?
They aren't. They're in a plastic tub!
Does this require melt protection?
Poppin' Cotton Candy does not require melt protection.
How are the poprocks infused in the cotton candy and what happens if you eat too much of the cotton candy?
The Pop Rocks are added while the cotton candy is being spun. Like any other candy, eating too much will likely lead to a stomach ache.
So why should we buy this? We can just eat cotton candy and pop rocks in our mouth together.
Because this way you get them together for actually a little less than buying them separately. You can also send it as a gift without having to tell the recipient to simply mix it themselves.
Will there ever be a bubblegum flavour?
It's possible! Keep checking back and maybe we'll have it someday.
Okay,so I was watching some vsauce on youtube (he is a popular dude with lots of videos) and I saw a ad for cotton candy infused with blue cheese. Do you guys think that would be good? I LOOOVE blue cheese!
It would certainly be interesting!
When I watched the video I saw your tongue coloured, does it really color your tongue?
Only faintly. The coloring doesn't last a long time or anything.
What are the flavours of the pop rocks for the poppin cotton candy?
Each container of Poppin' Cotton Candy contains equal amounts of Watermelon, Tropical Punch, and Strawberry flavored Pop Rocks.
Will it melt in shipping ? If so will you refund me ?
Poppin' Cotton Candy does not require melt protection as it does not melt during shipping.
What would happen to the cotton candy if I put it in the fridge?
Yes! Make sure to put it in either a container or a paper bag. Paper will help preserve it more without the humidity spoiling it.
What is John's favorite flavor? Jamie? Joey?
That's like asking us to pick our favorite child or family member. We love them all!
How big is the whole thing?
Each container holds one quart of cotton candy (which weighs about 3 ounces).
How much cotton candy is in there not counting the air.
About 3 ounces, but that's actually pretty good considering the fact that cotton candy is mostly air anyways.
Are your prices the same all year round?
Yes. Prices may fluctuate slightly based on manufacturing prices, but that's about it.
Do they come in bigger tubes?
They're only available in one size right now, but you can always just buy more!
What is the flavor Pina Colada?
Pina Colada is really its own flavor, though it has a blend of coconut and pineapple.
Is it different than mixing cotton candy and pop rocks by itself?
I don't know if you've ever tried to "stir" anything into cotton candy, but it's not exactly easy. These Pop Rocks are infused into the cotton candy as it's being made so that the distribution is even throughout.
What would happen if you put this in coke?
Melt instantly and fizzle a little bit, I suspect.
why did you replace coconut for grape?
The coconut and pena colada flavors are pretty similar, so we felt it'd be best to add a new and more popular flavor into the mix.
why cant you just buy pop rocks and cotton candy and stuff the pop rocks into the cotton candy. it doesn't seem a difference.
Try it sometime. You'll find that it's actually pretty difficult to add anything to cotton candy after it's been made, especially tiny hard candies. These Pop Rocks had to be added while the cotton candy was being spun from the machine.
Will it remain fluffy and moist during shipping?
Absolutely. We haven't had any issues shipping Poppin' Cotton Candy.
do all of the flavors have red food coloring because i noticed that it looks like there are specks of different colored pop rocks in the cotton candy? allergic to red food dye:( thanks alot
The ingredients and dyes are exactly specified, though if you have an allergy to red dye you should probably avoid this product, as they all contain some amount of red Pop Rocks.
By the way i love u guys :) and how many poprocks are in each container?? (like how many packeges of poprocks)
It's difficult to say. The Pop Rocks are infused throughout the cotton candy, so every bite will guarantee a crackling sensation.
Is it halal? Please say yes.
It's very likely, since the primary ingredient is simply sugar, however you may want to double-check with your imam just to be sure.
Which do you like better justin bieber or one direction?
Neither. I'm not a pre-teen girl, so I'm not exactly within either of those entertainers' demographics.
Can you make an orange and sour apple flavour?
We don't have plans for either at this time, but you never know what we might come up with.
How long will they last unopened?
It's tricky with cotton candy, as humidity and heat can greatly affect the shelf life. I don't think you'll be able to keep yourself from eating this wonderful treat for very long.
Would it be safe to eat these with braces?
I can't say for sure. You might want to double check with your dentist.
Why don't you guys make pop rock ice cream?
There isn't really any way to ship ice cream. Besides, the moisture of the ice cream would cause the Pop Rocks to dissolve and pop.
What are the flavors of the Pop Rocks infused in the Poppin' Cotton Candy?
Each container of Poppin' Cotton Candy contains equal amounts of Watermelon, Tropical Punch, and Strawberry flavored Pop Rocks.
Are the people @ vat19 going to make more flavers soon? p.s love u vat19.com
We may carry more flavors someday, but please note that we are only a retailer and not actually the manufacturer.
How big is the container and how much cotton candy pop rocks do you put in there?
The container is 1 quart and contains approximately 3 ounces (by weight) of Poppin' Cotton Candy.
Are the cotten candy flavor and pop rock flavor the same? like, if there is a strawberry cotten candy, would the pop rocks be strawberry too?
Each container has an equal amount of all three flavors of Pop Rocks.
Pop rocks still exist? I haven't seen them in a while!
They sure do! Why don't you place an order and relive those fond childhood memories.
how did you infuse the pop rocks into the cotton candy?
The Pop Rocks were added while the cotton candy was being made. This way you get Pop Rocks throughout the entire mixture.
What are the ingredients of the poppin cotton candy?
Sugar, artificial color and artificial flavors.
Do the pop rocks still crackle just as well?
They certainly do. When I was testing the Poppin' Cotton Candy I noticed that every bite seems to crackle, even if I couldn't see any Pop Rocks in it.
What happens if I eat this, and drink coke at the same time? Do I explode?
No, but you may burp more than usual!
What are pop rocks like?
They're little tiny candies that pop in your mouth. They're really fun!
When I bought this i thought it would say " tiki pop" but it didnt?
The manufacturer changes the label every once in a while, but the cotton candy is always the same. Enjoy!
Some one asked you if they are made in Hawaii and you said no they are made in the US you know Hawaii is part of the US right?
Yep! The answer we gave was "No, but it is made here in the US." That sentence basically implies that while this product is not made in Hawaii, it is still made in the United States as opposed to another country.

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