Creepy Animal Head Masks: Latex Horse, Squirrel, Pigeon, and Unicorn masks
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Decidedly Creepy Animal Head Masks

Wonderfully disturbing and oversized latex animal head masks.

Creepy Animal Head Masks
Everything is an order of magnitude creepier with our Animal Head Masks. Guaranteed!
Our Decidedly Creepy Animal Head Masks are available in a variety of styles.
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Give More Awesome: Unicorn Mask Commercial
  • Animal Head Masks
  • Everything is an order of magnitude creepier with our Animal Head Masks. Guaranteed!
  • Our Decidedly Creepy Animal Head Masks are available in a variety of styles.
  • Watch video for: Animal Head Masks
  • Video: Give More Awesome: Unicorn Mask Commercial
  • Animal Head Masks — Creepy Horse
Animal Head Masks - Creepy Horse
Creepy Horse
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Item #3386
Animal Head Masks - Magical Unicorn
Magical Unicorn
Animal Head Masks - Pigeon
Animal Head Masks - Squirrel
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Creep out your friends and family with our unmistakably troubling latex animal head masks.

Animal Head Masks are the perfect headgear of choice for almost any activity in life. The more formal, the better the effect.

Our Decidedly Creepy Animal Head Masks are currently available in four animal styles: Horse, Pigeon, Squirrel, and Magical Unicorn.

Used masks are not returnable.

Features & specs

  • Dimensions (Horse): 18" x 12" x 10"
  • Dimensions (Squirrel): 13" x 12" x 10"
  • Dimensions (Pigeon): 17.5" x 12" x 10"
  • Dimensions (Magical Unicorn): 17" x 12" x 10"
  • Material: latex
  • Awesomely creepy
  • Ages 14+

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From $11.99 to $23.99

Makes everything you do awesomely creepy

You need these masks. They will turn the most mundane situation into the real-life embodiment of a David Lynch film. They're wonderfully large, detailed, and creep-tastic.

Just look at that pigeon in the picture below. After he finishes scoring a goal, he's going to eat your kneecap. Yikes... in a good way.

Kick it creep style with our Decidedly Creepy Animal Head Masks
Everything is an order of magnitude creepier with our Animal Head Masks. Guaranteed!

Choose from four amazingly creepy styles

Our awesome Animal Head Masks are currently available in four detailed styles: Horse, Pigeon, Magical Unicorn, and Squirrel. Get them all. Your friends (or soon-to-be-new-friends) will want in on this glorious mask action.

Choose from a variety of creepy Animal Head Masks.
Our Decidedly Creepy Animal Head Masks are available in a variety of styles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is the unicorn mask truly magical?

Answer: The chosen few will know how to wield its great power.

Question: How do you see out of them?

Answer: Holes, son! Each mask has strategically-placed eye holes. Placing them somewhere besides the eyes of the mask (so that the eyes on the mask are solid) amplifies the creep factor of each mask.

Question: Are they one size fits all?

Answer: Pretty much! They're probably too large for very small children in that the eye holes may not line up conveniently.

Question: When am I going to wear this?

Answer: I'm not sure if there's enough room on the internet to list all of the places. But, we'll try! The DMV. The McDonald's drive-through. All first dates. Your ultimate frisbee try-outs. Senior pictures. Your friend's cousin's quinceañera. All bachelor parties. Most bachelorette parties. Every last Thursday of November. Bowling. Trips to Bed, Bath, & Beyond. Open houses. Parent-teacher conferences. And every formal occasion including weddings, graduations, and job interviews (especially at Vat19).

Oh, but absolutely never on Halloween. That'd be like wearing the shirt of the band you're in.

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Magical Unicorn

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