Da Vinci's Catapult: Build a wooden desktop siege engine.
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Leonardo Da Vinci's Catapult

Build a wooden desktop siege engine that shoots squishy orbs.

Da Vinci's Catapult
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    • 0:46 - DaVinci's Catapult no longer includes polymer balls. If you're looking for something similar, however, please check out our Spitballs.
🛒 Purchased 450+ times
This item has been discontinued.


Desktop siege engines are devastatingly fun. Open the box to da Vinci’s Catapult and build your own working wooden throwing machine inspired by designs drawn up by arguably the world’s greatest literal renaissance man.

Once constructed, use your catapult to wage war in the name of fun. The clever contraption generates lift through the tension of bendable wood, turning a plank into a springboard. Pull back the wooden spoon, lock it in place, and load it with a clay ball. Then pull the release rope and let the fun fly!

Features & specs

  • Build-it-yourself catapult
  • Based on Leonardo da Vinci’s design
  • All-wood construction
  • Glue included
  • Comes with clay to mold safe projectiles
  • Recommended for ages 8+
  • Includes everything you need (except for a ruler and a healthy snack!)
  • Build time: 45-60 minutes

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From $3.50 to $32.99

Notes on this video

  • 0:46 - DaVinci's Catapult no longer includes polymer balls. If you're looking for something similar, however, please check out our Spitballs.

Desktop destruction

Rip the cord on Da Vinci’s Catapult and lay siege to boredom. After you build the wooden weapon, find something to fling and let it fly.

Shoot the included rubber balls or find your own projectile to flip across the room. Then ratchet back the throwing arm and reload! Hone your aim with target practice and shoot a rubber band ball into a mug or go full-force and knock over a G.I. Joe army with a Superball.

Fling fun.

Build-it-yourself ballistics

Da Vinci’s Catapult comes as a kit of pre-cut wood pieces that you put together. Don’t worry about buying extra tools. All you need is a small amount of the included glue and about an hour of time.

The step-by-step illustrated instructions will guide you in the art of warfare as you assemble your armament. Once constructed, you can fire away using cannonballs you create from the included clay.

Build Da Vinci’s catapult: no tools required, detailed instructions, and ammo included
Always create before you destroy.

Flings fourteen feet

The Desktop Catapult has a respectable range of 14 feet of firing distance—not bad for a 500-year-old design making use of wooden springs! The five-pace range is ideal for indoor assault on action figures or for annoying coworkers with your antics. Lay siege to Castle Cubicle!

Shoots up to 14 feet!
Fire five yards out.

The arts and crafts of war

Thanks to pre-cut pieces, assembling Da Vinci’s Catapult is as easy as it is fun. The pieces fit together with the same slot-and-pin technology that would have been available to Da Vinci himself. As you play with the catapult, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you built the contraption yourself.

Fun and easy assembly with pre-cut pieces and a sturdy, pegged design!
Construction is a cinch.

Historical horseplay hurling

Da Vinci’s Catapult is inspired by two different designs that the master created, leveraging the springiness of wood rather than the torsion of a twisted rope.

Cherry picking the best parts of his designs, this desktop hurler is easy to build and simple to operate. The ratcheting gear will give you plenty of opportunities to experiment with your release angle as you have loads of fun tossing projectiles across the room.

Developed from designs by Da Vinci.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can you use it to shoot Spitballs?

Answer: Of course!

Question: How durable is it?

Answer: When properly assembled, Da Vinci’s Catapult feels very sturdy, and it would take significant intentional effort to break it.

This product has been discontinued. Frown face!

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