Donkey Kong Jenga: The Collector's Edition
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Donkey Kong Jenga: Collector's Edition

A beautiful marriage of the classic games Jenga and Donkey Kong.

Donkey Kong Jenga
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Whoever decided to combine chocolate and strawberries is a genius. So is the person who came up with Donkey Kong Jenga: Collector's Edition, another brilliant combination of two awesome things.

This officially licensed version of Jenga has been infused with the core elements of the supremely popular arcade game, Donkey Kong.

Not only must you remove girders from an increasingly unstable Jenga tower, but you must also be the first to navigate your Mario to the top of the building to save Pauline from the menacing Donkey Kong.

Designed for 1-4 players ages 6+. Includes 54 blocks, four Mario pieces, the spinner, a Donkey Kong and Pauline piece, and a plastic holder for quick tower-building.

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Features & specs

  • 1-4 players
  • Ages 6 to adult
  • 54 Donkey Kong hard wood Jenga blocks (aka girders)
  • 4 Mario pieces
  • One Donkey Kong and Pauline piece
  • Plastic loading tray for quick tower assembly
  • Donkey Kong Jenga spinner

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The precariousness of Jenga meets the charm of Donkey Kong.

In case you're not familiar with Jenga and Donkey Kong (young whipper-snappers!), here's a quick recap:

Released in 1981, Donkey Kong was the first successful "platform-style" video game, in which the player makes Mario ascend several treacherous girders in order to save Pauline. (Yeah, we always thought her name was Princess, too.)

Unveiled in 1983, Jenga is the addictive game of mental and physical skill in which players remove and re-stack the tower's blocks until some poor sap causes it to topple. It's also the most awesome thing to have happened to after-dinner gaming since the invention of playing cards. A few glasses of wine plus a shaky tower of wooden blocks equals instant hilarity.

Fast forward to today when some brilliant gaming alchemist combined these two legends of 80s gameplay into Donkey Kong Jenga!

Jenga: Donkey Kong is a blend of the classic games Jenga and Donkey Kong.
Donkey Kong Jenga is the perfect marriage of Jenga and Donkey Kong.

Get Mario to the top of the tower without toppling it!

Like a traditional game of Jenga, the tower in Donkey Kong Jenga is comprised of rows of wooden blocks. In this rendition of the game, however, they are called "girders".

The ends of each girder have a small hole in them for inserting the Mario game pieces. The first player to reach the top of the tower (without knocking it over!) will save Pauline and win the game.

Your goal is to be the first to get your Mario to the top of the tower.
Move your game piece up the tower, girder by girder.

The "spinner" controls gameplay

At the beginning of each turn, flick the spinner to determine your move. The pointer can land on a hammer, springboard, ladder, or barrel. This will tell you how many girders you must remove and safely place on top of the tower as well as how far to move your Mario.

The start of each turn begins by spinning the arrow on the spinner.
Players flick the spinner at the start of each turn to determine their move.

Plastic holder makes stacking easy

For a quick start, use the included plastic holder to help you stack the Jenga blocks in alternating rows of three. This simple device makes setting up the game a snap.

The included plastic holder makes starting a new game a snap.
Quickly stack the Jenga blocks in alternating rows of three using the included plastic holder.

Everything you need to get Kongin'

The Donkey Kong Jenga box includes 54 "girders", four Mario pieces (gameplay is intended for 1-4 players), the spinner, the Donkey Kong and Pauline piece, and the plastic holder.

The holder is pictured above...which you probably already knew unless you read from the bottom of the page upwards.

Jenga: Donkey Kong edition includes 54 blocks, 4 Mario pieces, spinner, and Donkey Kong and Pauline Piece.
Donkey Kong Jenga includes 54 custom girder pieces, 4 Mario Pieces, spinner,
Donkey Kong and Pauline piece, and a plastic holder (not pictured).

This product has been discontinued. Frown face!

Sorry, but this item is no longer available for purchase.

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