Double Dish Snack Bowl: Stylish bowl with built-in trash container
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Double Dish Snack Bowl

Stylish snack bowl with a hidden built-in refuse container.

Double Dish Snack Bowl
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The Double Dish Snack Bowl makes it simple to discreetly discard the leftover shells, wrappers, pits, and toothpicks from your favorite snacks.

A traditional serving bowl nests inside a larger collection dish which acts as a concealed trash bin. The collection dish features three wide "mouths" for depositing refuse and a ledge to support the top snack dish.

Made from durable melamine, the Double Dish is dishwasher safe and available in two color styles: white/stone and green/white.

Features & specs

  • Dimensions (snack bowl): 5.5" diameter x 1.5" deep
  • Dimensions (collection dish): 7" wide x 3" deep
  • Material: 100% melamine (BPA-free)
  • Dishwasher safe

The snack bowl with a built-in trash can

The Double Dish Snack Bowl is an incredibly simple, yet clever invention. It features a snack bowl which rests inside a larger container that collects your cherry pits, pistachio shells, candy wrappers, toothpicks, and more.

The Double Dish Snack Bowl collects its own trash.
Deposit trash from your snacks into one of the three "mouths" of the Double Dish.

Perfect for candies, nuts, olives, and more

The Double Dish is ideal for any snack that leaves something to be discarded. All of the wrappers, shells, toothpicks, and pits are conveniently collected underneath the snack bowl.

To access and discard the trash, simply lift the top dish.

Simply lift the top dish to empty the trash of the Double Dish Snack Bowl.
All of the discarded material is collected in the bottom of the Double Dish for easy access.

Available in two color combinations

The Double Dish Snack Bowl is available in white/stone and green/white. Delicious Hershey's Kisses and ballpark peanuts are not included.

Double Dish Snack Bowl is available in a variety of color combinations.
The Double Dish is available in white/stone and green/white color combos.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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