Fake News Game (Kanye Edition)
Can you tell which outrageous Kanye quotes are real?

Trying to tell the difference between real and fake Yeezy is usually reserved for sneaker shopping, but the Fake News Game turns the rapper’s penchant for making wild statements into a fun party game.
The 56 cards in the deck each contain an audacious statement which may or may not have been uttered by the outspoken musician. You’ll laugh and debate whether these remarks are too ridiculous to be real… or whether they’re not ridiculous enough. Turn over the card to reveal if the quote was True or Fake News and give yourself a point for guessing correctly. Unlike a rival’s acceptance speech at an award’s ceremony, you won’t want to cut this game short.
Features & specs
- Party game centered around Kanye West quotes
- Guess if the quotes on the 56 cards are real or not
- Front of the card lists a quote and back of the card states “True” or “Fake News”
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