Giant Burger Eraser: Oversized pencil eraser shaped like a cheeseburger.
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Giant Burger Eraser

Oversized pencil eraser shaped like a cheeseburger.

Giant Burger Eraser
Giant Burger Eraser image
Giant Burger Eraser image
  • Giant Burger Eraser
*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.


Take a big ol’ bite out of your mistakes with the Giant Burger Eraser. The pencil eraser looks like a tasty cheeseburger but is really made from rubber.

The hefty hamburger weighs over a pound and is made of separate layers of bun, cheese, burger patty, and lettuce. The individual components’ punched-out centers slip around a rubber pillar embedded in the top bun, so everything stays together as you rub your error away.

The Giant Burger Eraser is so fun that you might find yourself making more mistakes just to use it.

Features & specs

  • Giant pencil eraser that looks like a cheeseburger!
  • Not for consumption (it's for erasin', silly!)
  • Approximate dimensions: 3 1/2” diameter x 1 3/4” height (8.89 cm x 4.44 cm)
  • Weight: 1 lb 2.6 oz (525 g)
  • Each component of the "burger" separates

Devour mistakes

A beefy all-rubber patty, crisp rubber lettuce, and fresh rubber cheese are sandwiched between two delectable rubber buns to create one enormous eraser. The hefty hamburger’s style doesn’t compromise on its ability to rub away errant pencil marks.

A Giant Burger Eraser removes pencil marks
Erases mistakes, not hunger.

A Built Burger

The Giant Burger Eraser is a complete hamburger made from individual pieces.

The crown bun has an integrated post that slips through holes in individual pieces of cheese, patty, lettuce, and the heel for an eraser stacked with fun.

All pieces separate
Hold the ketchup, please!

Question: How does the weight compare to a real cheeseburger?

Answer: A McDonald’s cheeseburger weighs 4 oz (113 g), while the Giant Burger Eraser weights 1 lb 2.6 oz (525 g). This enormous eraser weighs more than four and a half times as much!

Question: Is it delicious?

Answer: The Giant Burger Eraser is deliciously fun, but since it’s not food, you shouldn’t eat it. But you might be salivating to make a mistake so you can rub it away with this cheeseburger eraser.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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