Kufra Pitcher: Keep beverages cool without watering them down.
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Kufra Pitcher with Ice Tube Insert

Keep beverages cool without watering them down.

Kufra Pitcher with Ice Tube Insert
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The Kufra Pitcher is a sturdy, glass carafe that keeps your drinks cool without watering them down. A plastic, removable insert confines your ice from the liquid. The Kufra Pitcher also includes a plastic stirring rod.

Features & specs

  • Holds 72 ounces of liquid
  • 8.5" tall x 6.5" wide (at widest point)
  • Plastic stirrer included
  • Lead-free, BPA-free

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Prevents watered-down beverages

The ice tube insert of the Kufra Pitcher can hold approximately 8-10 "normal" sized ice cubes. The insert screws into the bottom of the plastic lid. The Kufra Pitcher also comes with a plastic stirrer.

When it comes to the stirring rod, it's hard to avoid some sort of "shaken, not stirred" reference, but we've promised ourselves we wouldn't do it. Moving along, we'd also like to point out that the Kufra Pitcher is made from thick, quality glass from Italy and that it holds nearly 2/3 of a gallon of liquid. Enjoy!

Kufra Pitcher with Ice Tube Insert prevents watered down beverages
The plastic ice tube insert keeps beverages cool without watering them down.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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