Litographs: Posters comprised solely of the text from a famous book.
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Litographs Posters

Posters comprised solely of the text from a famous book.

Litographs Books on Posters
Litographs Books on Posters image
Litographs Books on Posters image
Litographs Books on Posters image
Litographs Books on Posters image
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Litographs Poster - Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland
This item has been discontinued.
Litographs Poster - Moby Dick
Moby Dick
This item has been discontinued.
Litographs Poster - Origin of Species
Origin of Species
This item has been discontinued.
Litographs Poster - The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
This item has been discontinued.


Litographs are engaging posters consisting solely of the text from a famous literary work.

From a distance, each colorful and sleek design appears to celebrate a prominent novel. Upon closer inspection, however, the Litograph reveals itself to be comprised exclusively of the book's written words.

Each 18" x 24" poster is printed on professional quality bond paper and features a three-quarter inch border on all sides for easy mounting or framing.

Litographs are currently available in four styles: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, and On the Origin of Species.

Features & specs

  • Dimensions: 18" x 24"
  • Professional quality bond paper
  • Includes 0.75" border on all sides
  • Available in a variety of books
  • One book donated to a community in need per poster sold

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From $18.99 to $24.99

It looks like a poster, but it's actually a book.

Well, truthfully, it's a poster and it's a book. From a few feet away, Litographs may appear to simply be cool designs related to monumental feats of literature.

Upon closer inspection, however, you'll see that they consist solely of the printed word! It's the arrangement and coloring of those words that transform them into pieces of art you can hang on your wall.

Litographs are colorful and clever posters made from books.
Litographs are attractive posters comprised solely of the written word.

The details are in the fine print

From a few inches away, the true nature of the Litograph is revealed. The entire print is made from the text of the book. Not only are Litographs a clever idea, but the designs look great, too — which is important because you can certainly find more comfortable ways to read Moby Dick. However, Litographs are quite the conversation piece!

The words from the book are used to create an artistic representation of the story.
The text of the book provides the building blocks for Litograph Posters.

This picture is worth millions of words!

The old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" seems to apply here... somehow.

We're not math majors, but if a picture is worth a thousand words and the picture in question is made from thousands of words, wouldn't said picture be worth millions of words? Who knows, but we think you know what we're trying to say.

From a few feet away, your Litographs looks like an interesting poster. Upon closer inspection, you'll see that words make up the entirety of the image.
Litographs are printed on professional quality bond paper with a 0.75" border.

Variety of masterpieces to choose from

Litographs are currently available in the following books: The Great Gatsby, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, On the Origin of Species, and Moby Dick.

In order to preserve legibility, some of the books cannot fit in their entirety on the poster. Please see the chart below for how much of each work is contained within each poster.

The Great GatsbyThe print includes approximately the first three quarters of the book.
Alice's Adventures in WonderlandThe print includes the entire text of the book.
On the Origin of SpeciesThe print includes approximately the first sixth of the book.
Moby DickThe print includes approximately the first sixth of the book.

Litographs are available in a variety of famous works.
Choose from a variety of Litographs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is the entire book contained within the poster?

Answer: That depends upon the book. See the chart above for how much of each work is contained within the poster. Essentially, some books are far too long to fit within the allotted space and remain legible.

Question: What is the International Book Bank?

Answer: The designers and printers of Litographs have partnered with the International Book Bank in order to promote literacy by donating books and other educational materials to developing countries. Your purchase of a Litograph Poster ensures the donation of one book to this worthwhile charity.

Question: Can you really read it?

Answer: The text is indeed small, but it is legible!

Question: When will you have other books?

Answer: Every work that we have available is listed above. The more popular this product proves to be, the more styles we may add in the future. Thus, the moral of this answer is that if you don't see your favorite book, you should buy lots of the available posters to fool us into carrying more styles. Simple, right? Now, buy, buy, buy!

This product has been discontinued. Frown face!

Sorry, but this item is no longer available for purchase.

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