Mullet on the Go: Mullet wig integrated into a headband.
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Mullet on the Go

Mullet wig integrated into a headband.

Mullet on the Go
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  • Mullet on the Go
  • Watch video for: Mullet on the Go
  • Mullet on the Go — Blonde
  • Mullet on the Go — Brown
*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.


Say what you will about the mullet, but it’s one of the few hairstyles referred to as both “party” and “business”.

Look respectable when you need to with your natural ‘do, and slip on the Mullet on the Go when you’re ready to dig the garden of life like Joe Dirt.

Seven inches of curly hair are attached to an elastic sweat band sporting red, white, and blue stripes for a patriotic style that will make you look like a champion in life and in hair.

Features & specs

  • Portable mullet integrated in a headband
  • Available in 3 hairstyles (brown, blond, and black)
  • Cotton and elastic headband with synthetic hair
  • Approximate band circumference: 12”-23” (30.5 cm-58.4 cm)
  • Approximate mullet length: 7” (30.5 cm), 12” (30.5 cm) when stretched

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From $43.99 to $48.99

Look Amazing and Be Amazing

The mullet is not just a haircut; it’s also a statement. Viewed from the front, it says, “I mean serious business.” But from the back, it also says, “I know how to party.”

Say it loud, say it proud, and don a Mullet on the Go, a temporary hockey haircut that tells others what kind of a person you are—all without saying a word.

Instant Tennessee Waterfalls!

You ‘Do You

Not everyone has the same hair color. Since you’re going to want your new hairpiece to look like your own hair, Mullet on the Go currently comes in black, brown, and blonde to cover the needs of 97% of the world’s population. Sorry gingers.

Brown, blond, and black Mullet on the Gos
Camaro cuts in custom colors.

Question: Does it cover the top of your head?

Answer: No, any hair you see above the sweat band is au naturel.

Question: Why would anyone want this?

Answer: Mullets are a haircut that comes into fashion perennially, but they take a while to grow. With a Mullet on the Go, you can be ready for a party in the back in seconds. So the question is, why would anyone NOT want this?

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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