Notebook and Pencil: One hundred pages and one pencil.
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Notebook and Pencil

One hundred pages and one pencil.

Notebook and Pencil
Notebook and Pencil image
Notebook and Pencil image
Notebook and Pencil image
Notebook and Pencil image
  • Notebook and Pencil
This item has been discontinued.


The Notebook and Pencil is the perfect gift for anyone who constantly jots down notes -- or should! We've all had that moment when we needed to write something down and didn't have a pen or pencil handy.

The Notebook and Pencil solves that problem by embedding the pencil inside the notebook, so it's always at the ready. Notebook and Pencil includes 100 vanilla pages with 10mm grids.

Features & specs

  • Dimensions: 5.5" x 7.5"
  • 100 vanilla-colored pages with 10mm grid lines
  • Pencil included
  • Elastic strap to hold notebook closed

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From $8.99 to $34.99

Because paper is useless without a pencil...and vice versa

A long, long time ago someone chopped down a tree (it screamed in agony) and made a log cabin. Inside of that log cabin a man came up with the brilliant idea to create a notebook with permanent storage for a pencil.

Notebook and Pencil is a 100 page notebook with a built-in space for holding a writing utensil.
Notebook and Pencil does not include storage for your cheaters (aka glasses).

If given as a gift, the cool packaging makes you look oh-so-thoughtful

If someone complains that the Notebook & Pencil you gave them for their birthday is simply 100 blank pieces of paper, quickly respond: "Hey sport, go ahead and write down what you want next year on a piece of your Notebook & Pencil paper and carrier pigeon it on over to 678 Niner Street, you prize jerk."

Give the Notebook & Pencil as a gift.
Great concept + Great Looks = 4.

Elastic band keeps your Notebook & Pencil closed

Yes, the Notebook & Pencil elastic band can be worn as a headband. It can also be used to hold your Notebook & Pencil shut. Either way, you're still better off for having it.

In case you were wondering: do not shoot the elastic band at your co-workers. That wouldn't be any fun at all. We also don't suggest purchasing the USB Missile Launcher and completely defiling your cube-mate's Cathy comic strips. That wouldn't make you awesome at all. (We wish there was a way to denote sarcasm in text. Even if there was, though, we wouldn't need it on our site. We were just curious.)

The elastic band of the Notebook & Pencil keeps prying eyes out of your shameful thoughts.
Keep your shameful secrets closed from prying eyes.

In case you didn't believe can wear it as a headband

Not only can you wear the Notebook & Pencil's elastic band as a headband, you can wear it while you use the Notebook and Pencil to jot down your latest rhymes. So, kill two birds with one stone with the Notebook & Pencil.

This is how I roll with the Notebook & Pencil
So my bling is fake, big deal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I store a pen instead of a pencil in the Notebook & Pencil?

Answer: Sure, as long as it will fit. The storage area is 5.875" high and 3/8" wide.

Question: What happens if I tear out all of the paper? How will I store my pencil?

Answer: Our question for you would be, "If you have no paper, why do you even need a pencil?"

Question: What about the area of the paper that has been removed in order to create storage for the pencil?

Answer: Don't worry, that paper has gone to paper heaven. Seriously, write on the other 94% of the paper that is still there. I'm sure you don't have that many awesome thoughts.

This product has been discontinued. Frown face!

Sorry, but this item is no longer available for purchase.

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