Quickfire All-Purpose Waterproof Fire Starters: Burn for up to ten minutes.
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Quickfire All-Purpose Fire Starters (50 pk)

Waterproof fire starters that burn for up to ten minutes.

Quickfire Fire Starters
Quickfire Fire Starters in a fireplace.
Use Quickfire Fire Starters in your firepit.
QuickFire Fire Starters in your barbeque.
These things are pure🔥.
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  • Quickfire Fire Starters
  • Quickfire Fire Starters in a fireplace.
  • Use Quickfire Fire Starters in your firepit.
  • QuickFire Fire Starters in your barbeque.
  • These things are pure🔥.
  • Watch video for: Quickfire Fire Starters
    • The Quickfire Fire Starters are now sold in a canister which holds 50 individual fire starters.
*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.


Fire can be both a symbol of relaxing luxury and a necessary survival tool. Whether you need a flame for the fireplace or the frontier, Quickfire All-Purpose Fire Starters light your fire quickly and reliably.

Each sealed pouch contains paraffin wax formulated to light quickly under even the worst conditions. Simply place a Quickfire under your wood and light the corner of the pouch. As the wax burns, it produces robust flames for up to ten minutes, giving your logs plenty of time to catch fire.

The waterproof packs will ignite after a day of hiking in the rain and are non-toxic so you can also use them to heat up the coals at your next BBQ.

For people who like:

Features & specs

  • Paraffin wax fire starter pouches
  • Can be used for charcoal grills, fireplaces, campfires, and wood-burning stoves
  • Includes 50 fire starter pouches
  • 100% waterproof
  • Burn time: 8 to 10 minutes
  • Light time: 0.5 to 2 seconds
  • Flame height: 8 to 13 inches (20.32 to 33.02 cm)
  • Non-toxic
  • Over 30 year shelf life

Notes on this video

  • The Quickfire Fire Starters are now sold in a canister which holds 50 individual fire starters.

Mother Nature’s Kryptonite

If you’re going to venture outside and brave the elements, you’ll need a fire starter that can brave them too.

The Quickfire Fire Starters are waterproof to ensure you can get a flame started no matter the weather. Even when wet, the flammable wax inside each Quickfire pouch produces flames up to a foot high for ten minutes. That’s enough time to help dry out damp wood and start a fire and start relaxin'.

Who knew that fire and water could mix?

From backcountry to backyards

The versatile Quickfire Fire Starters are a useful accessory in both environmental and domestic life. When you’re out in the wilderness, use the durable pouches to start a fire for warmth. When you’ve returned home from your expedition, the food-safe Quickfire can help heat up your grill for your “welcome back” steaks.

Even the most confident outdoor adventurers will appreciate one of these handy pouches in their pack for emergencies.

Quickfire Fire Starters in a fireplace.Use Quickfire Fire Starters in your firepit.QuickFire Fire Starters in your barbeque.
As versatile as fire itself.

Long-lasting light

Each set of Quickfire All-Purpose Fire Starters contains 50 pouches which each have a 30-year shelf life.

The easy-to-use pouches don’t require any unwrapping or preparation. Simply light the corner of the plastic pouch and the paraffin wax inside will start burning. The small package burns longer and with greater intensity than newspaper or kindling.

Weatherproof and portable fire starters
These things are pure🔥.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do you open it?

Answer: You don’t have to! Simply place a Quickfire Fire Starter under your logs and light the corner of the pouch. The plastic acts as a wick to light the wax inside.

Question: Do these smell when you light them?

Answer: Nope! There’s a slight odor (similar to a candle burning) but no harsh chemical smell.

Question: Are these dangerous?

Answer: Quickfire pouches are not combustible and will not self-ignite. They should be treated with the same caution as any flammable material.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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