R2-D2 Metal Bottle Opener
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Star Wars R2-D2 Bottle Opener

A bottle-opening droid!

R2-D2 Bottle Opener
R2-D2 Bottle Opener image
R2-D2 Bottle Opener image
R2-D2 Bottle Opener image
R2-D2 Bottle Opener image
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*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.


Artoo is one of the most indispensable robots in cinema history. Thus, turning him into a bottle opener (one of the most indispensable tools ever fashioned by man) seemed like the perfect match.

The officially licensed R2-D2 Bottle Opener is made from solid metal and features magnets on his back so you can hang him on your fridge.

R2-Beer2 (see what we did there?) comes in a protective storage box for easy gifting to the awesome Star Wars lover in your life.

Features & specs

  • Dimensions: 4" x 2.5" x 0.375"
  • Material: metal
  • Magnetic back
  • Officially licensed

Not too short for a bottle opener!

OK, OK, here's our promise to you: we will not further fill this page with obscure (or even widely known) references to Star Wars. It's an awesome trilogy. We all loved those first three movies and Artoo was probably one of the coolest characters.

So, enjoy the awesome that is this solid metal bottle opener fashioned after the famous droid. We'll call him R2-Beer2.

Man opening a beer with an Artoo bottle opener.
Loving Star Wars is something to be proud of. Own it. And the bottle opener, of course!

R2-Beer2 is tough as nails!

The all-metal R2-D2 Bottle Opener is substantial; it weighs almost half a pound and is more than a quarter of an inch thick. His flat feet even make it possible to stand him upright.

R2-D2 Bottle Opener as seen from multiple angles.
The R2-D2 Bottle Opener features all-metal construction and magnets on its back.

Magnetic back = beer-opening convenience

A bottle opener is only useful if you can find it! R2-Beer2 has two strong magnets on his back so you can keep it readily available on your fridge, office mini fridge, or filing cabinet.  

Artoo-Detoo bottle opener magnetically attached to a fridge.
Stash R2-D2 on your fridge door so he's always available to open your beers.

Handsome gift packaging

Nerds have birthdays. They get married. And they like getting gifts, too! Hook up your favorite nerd with this awesomely nerdy and gift-ready bottle opener.

The R2-D2 Bottle Opener comes packaged in a nice gift box.
The R2-D2 Bottle Opener comes packaged in an attractive gift box.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: R2-D2 had three legs. This only has two. Why?

Answer: See, this is how you give nerds a bad name. I now fear that a message board is missing its troll.

But to answer your ridiculous nerd question, I will issue a ridiculous nerd answer. R2 would stand up on two legs whenever he needed to plug into a computer or perform some other important task. I can't think of anything more important than cracking open a cold one.

Question: Why do you sometimes call him R2-D2 and sometimes R2-Beer2?

Answer: R2-Beer2 is just a nickname we came up with. It isn't the "official" title of the product, but it probably should be.

Question: Shouldn't you have more Star Wars references in order to flex your nerd cred?

Answer: I have a bachelor's degree in engineering and I majored in computer science. I've actually made real robots. My nerd cred is solid carbonite.

Question: Holy cow, you are a huge dork.

Answer: Proud of it, son.

Question: If I buy a few of these bottle openers, will you use the money to be less dorky?

Answer: My wish is your command! I'm a sucker for money! Just buy, buy, buy!

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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