Rainy Day Art 2 DVD: 13 new Arts and Crafts Projects for Young Children
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Rainy Day Art 2 DVD

Thirteen projects for your next rainy day art-venture.

Rainy Day Art 2 DVD
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
Rainy Day Art 2 DVD image
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Item #2057


Clay, foil, and wire are among the many materials that are used in Cherie Lynn's latest art activities for children.

Over three and a half hours of knowledgeable art instruction will keep your children entertained and learning all day long.

Features & specs

  • 13 Projects
  • ABC Books
  • Clay Fish
  • Wire Sculpture
  • Foil Repousse
  • Mardi Gras Mask
  • Storytellers
  • Woven Kites
  • Printmaking
  • And More...
  • This item is a Vat19 exclusive!

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Join Cherie Lynn for another
incredible Art-Venture!

Follow along with Cherie Lynn as she shows you how to create tons of exciting new art projects.

You'll be amazed at how easy it can be to create beautiful an functional art.

13 new projects to bring sunshine to a rainy day!

Make sure you check out the rest of the Cherie Lynn Art Series!

Rainy Day Art 2 includes all of these exciting art projects!

A-B-C BooksBurlap Wall HangingsClay FishAfrican Wire SculptureFoil Repousse
 Mardi Gras MaskMosaic Picture FramesMake your own paper!Storyteller SculpturesTerra Cotta Sun
 Woven KitesPrintmakingFun Books 

Printable Instructions and Supplies Lists

Just like all of the DVDs in the Cherie Lynn Art Series, Rainy Day Art 2 contains printable instructions and supplies lists.

Simply insert the DVD into your computer to print them out. You can also view these lists on the DVD itself (pictured to the left).

Superb Instruction

Cherie Lynn's easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction will have you creating amazing art masterpieces in no time. Graphical explanations and safety reminders make creating these projects simple, safe, and fun!

Can't live without it?
Smash that 'Add to Cart' button!



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