Rock Me Archimedes: Teeter-totter balancing board game.
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Rock Me Archimedes

Teeter-totter balancing board game.

Rock Me Archimedes
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The Greek mathematician and engineer Archimedes, known for properly describing the benefits of a lever, is quoted as saying, "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth." If he had access to his namesake game, he might have said, "Give me a marble, and I will school you."

Rock Me Archimedes is a dynamic two-player tabletop game that leverages critical thinking and steady hands to outmaneuver your opponent.

Take turns placing marbles on the board and moving them toward the edge, but be careful—overbalancing the board on one side causes the edge to touch the table and you to lose. If you can stay balanced while moving four marbles into the end zone first, you win!

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Features & specs

  • Logic and dexterity game for two players
  • Includes 1 board and interlocking rocker, 1 platform, 1 tray, 1 die, 12 black marbles, 12 white marbles, instructions
  • Materials: wooden game board and die with glass marbles
  • Recommended age: 8+

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From $9.50 to $26.99

See-saw strategy

To win Rock Me Archimedes, you'll need to balance rock-steady hand coordination with critical thinking.

The entire game board rolls on a semi-circle base for a one-on-one skill game with victory teetering in the balance... because one touch of the table, and it’s over!

A rockin
Rock and roll all night!

A balancing act

Rock Me Archimedes combines zen aesthetic, the nerve-wracking pressure of manual finesse, and the emotional charge of competition.

To declare victory, get four of your marbles into the dark end zone on the opposite end of the board before your opponent. Take turns with your opponent moving your marbles along the grooves as you push them out from the fulcrum to the end zone. If your move causes either end of the rocker board to touch the table, you automatically forfeit the game!

4 marbles in the end zone = YOU WINTouch the table = YOU LOSE!
Leverage your critical thinking to win.

The total teeter-totter

Your position in Rock Me Archimedes might be unsteady, but the build quality of the set is solid. Made with a wooden board, rocker, and platform, the game pieces cleverly stow away in the fulcrum base.

The set includes a carved board, slide-out rocker, platform, marble tray, wooden die, 12 black marbles, and 12 white marbles.

Wooden game board; Integrated storage; 24 marbles & die
The game pieces fit inside the base for easy storage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is it delicate?

Answer: The game pieces are high-quality and very durable. But staying in the game does require a delicate touch.

Question: What is the dice for?

Answer: The wooden die determines which player starts the game as well as the number of placements or moves you can make in each turn.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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