The Slot Dog: Grilling tool to improve hot dog flavor.
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The Slot Dog

Grilling tool to improve hot dog flavor.

The Slot Dog
Haute dog
Hands pressing the Slot Dog into an uncooked hot dog.
Peel the slotted dog from the Slot Dog.
Cook the Slotted Dog to perfection.
Press, peel, grill, and devour!
Captures condiments with crispy edges
Dishwasher safe, stainless steel blades, for up to 10" hot dogs.
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  • The Slot Dog
  • Haute dog
  • Hands pressing the Slot Dog into an uncooked hot dog.
  • Peel the slotted dog from the Slot Dog.
  • Cook the Slotted Dog to perfection.
  • Press, peel, grill, and devour!
  • Captures condiments with crispy edges
  • Dishwasher safe, stainless steel blades, for up to 10" hot dogs.
  • Watch video for: The Slot Dog
*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.


Take your grilling game to the next level by cutting slits in your frankfurters with the Slot Dog.

A grid of steel blades cuts slots into the surface of your hot dogs without cutting through them.

When you cook the dogs over a flame, they plump up, and the larger surface area allows for more caramelization. The result: a better-browned frank with a unique texture that grips your hot dog toppings. Delish!

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Features & specs

  • Hot dog grilling tool to improve flavor and texture
  • Steel blades cut slots into a hotdog to enhance caramelization and create crevasses for condiments
  • Top-rack dishwasher safe
  • Dimensions: 2 5/8" x 1 3/4" x 11" (6.6 cm x 4.4 cm x 28 cm)

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From $10.95 to $12.95

Succulently slotted and seared sausages

The hot dog is many things to many people: budget staple food, picky child's sustenance, and cook-out mainstay. Yet, the popular encased meat is often relegated to a careless boil or an inattentive warm-up in the microwave.

Give the dog its due with the Slot Dog. Before grilling, press your frankfurter into the slotted blade to create micro-incisions on its surface. The added exposed surface area allows your humble hotdog to transform into haute cuisine with a caramelized crust. Yum!

Haute dog
That's a truly winning wiener.

Hot off the press

The Slot Dog is safe and easy to use. With your uncooked hot dog on a flat surface, apply pressure to the red handle of the Slot Dog, ensuring the latticed blades cut into your frank and not your fingers. Then peel the hot dog off the grate and move it to the grill. Once the heat has plumped up and caramelized all those edges, it's time to dress your dog and devour!

Hands pressing the Slot Dog into an uncooked hot dog.Peel the slotted dog from the Slot Dog.Cook the Slotted Dog to perfection.Press, peel, grill, and devour!
Press 'n' peel.

Dressed to the nines

Sure, a slotted hot dog is a gimmick that will entice children. But it's also a simple solution to improve the flavor of the hot dog itself and give nooks for condiments to nestle.

The extra edges expose more hot dog to direct heat, so they'll caramelize, creating a richer flavor with a fuller bite. As the frank cooks, it will balloon out, creating canyons of flavor for you to fill with your favorite toppings. Now that's a hot dog to relish!

Captures condiments with crispy edges
Hot dog, that looks good!

Super slicer

The Slot Dog instantly upgrades hot dogs with stainless steel blades capable of scoring into franks up to 10" long. The kitchen tool improves your cookout without adding any time to clean up since the Slot Dog is dishwasher safe. It's a win-win for weiners!

Dishwasher safe, stainless steel blades, for up to 10
Your new cookout staple.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is it microwaveable?

Answer: The Slot Dog is a preparation tool and should not be microwaved under any circumstance. Hot dogs prepared with a Slot Dog can be microwaved, but they won't caramelize the way a grilled frankfurter would. But if you're adamant about microwaving your meat, we've got you covered.

Question: Will it work with other foods?

Answer: The Slot Dog was designed for hot dogs, but it's capable of cutting into other encased meats, vegetables, and more.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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