Timeline The Game
Will you be the first to place your cards in chronological order?

In Timeline, your objective is to correctly place inventions in chronological order. This involves asking yourself questions like, "Was barbed wire invented before or after the can opener?" Yeah. Not so easy.
At the start of your turn, select a card from your pile (representing one of mankind's creations) and call out its place amongst the table's current timeline of inventions.
Next, flip over your card to reveal its date of creation. If correct, add the card to the timeline. Claim victory by being the first to correctly place all of your cards.
Timeline includes 109 invention-themed cards. Designed for 2-8 players ages 8 and up.
Features & specs
- Ages 8+
- 2-8 players
- Includes: 55 cards, 1 tin box, and a rulebook
- Average game length: 15 minutes
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Notes on this video
- The packaging, artwork design of the cards, and the number of cards included has changed since this video was made.
Was the motorcycle invented before or after adhesive tape?
Generally speaking, the goal in Timeline (like most games) is to give you an opportunity to humiliate your friends via your great intellect and knowledge. More specifically, you will be tasked with placing various inventions in chronological order... thereby humiliating your friends via your great intellect and knowledge.
At the start of the game, each player will be given an equal number of double-sided cards. Your goal is to be the first to correctly place all of your cards into the timeline.
It's a bit easy at first (as the timeline will only have a few cards), but as it grows, you'll be asking yourself questions such as, "Was the Winchester Rifle invented before or after the light bulb? Definitely after glasses... right? And was it created at some point between the telegraph and the telephone?"
Correctly determining when an invention was created in relation to other inventions is the crux of Timeline.
Pick your spot, flip the card, smack your forehead
At the start of your turn, you can attempt to correctly place any one of your cards in the timeline. Once you've called out your spot, flip over the card to reveal its date of invention.
If correct, pound your chest and scream, "I don't rent. I own history!" If incorrect, take your shame like a man, select another card from the deck, and remain quiet until your next turn.
As the game progresses, the timeline grows, and each turn becomes more difficult and intense.
Over 50 cards ensures unique gameplay every time
Timeline includes 55 invention-themed cards, which is plenty to keep you and your friends entertained for hours.
By the way, does anybody know if the Hot Air Balloon was invented before or after The Rubber Band? Answer below.
Timeline comes with over 50 invention-themed cards.
Now you give it a try!
In the picture below, you must correctly place The Pull-Tab Can amongst the timeline already created. Make your guess and then click the image to reveal the answer.

Think you know when the Pull-Tab Can was invented? Click the picture to reveal the answer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: I see cards with images on them. Is this some sort of role playing game?
Answer: Absolutely not. Hundred-sided dice are not required to enjoy Timeline.
Question: How many players can play?
Answer: Timeline is designed for 2-8 players ages 8 and up.
Question: How many cards does each player start with?
Answer: That's up to the people playing. However, the manufacturer recommends six cards when there are 2-3 players. If you have 4-5 players, you should each take 5 cards. If your game nights allow for any old riff raff to play, each of the 6-8 players should start with 4 cards each.
Question: Ok, I've read to the bottom. Now tell me! Was the Hot Air Balloon invented before or after The Rubber Band?
Answer: The Rubber Band was invented in 1845 by Stephen Perry. The Hot Air Balloon was created 62 years prior by Joseph & Etienne Montgolfier. Now, buy, buy, buy!
Where can I buy this awesomeness?
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