USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler keeps coffee warm and soda cool.
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USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer

Keep a beverage piping hot or cool as ice.

USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer image
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*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.


Plug this handy device into your computer's USB port and keep any beverage nice and toasty or cool as ice. Simply flip the switch on the back of the USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer to alternate between heating and cooling.

What we love the most about this device is that it's pretty darned rugged, but still looks stylish. Some of the other USB warmers (and coolers) that we tested looked like they came out of a box of Cracker Jacks.

Features & specs

  • 5.5" long x 3.25" wide x 1.25" high
  • Approx. 3.5 foot long cable
  • 2.5" diameter contact surface
  • Works with any computer with a USB port

USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler

The USB Warmer and Cooler will heat up a drink or keep it cool.
The USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler, as its name implies, does two things: it warms up a drink or cools it down. And it does this all while connected to a computer. Brilliant!

Lukewarm drink abandonment affects 62.6% of Americans*.

Prevent tepid drinks with the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & CoolerNobody likes tepid coffee, tepid soda, or even tepid bathwater.

Tepid = bad. Yet, we've all fallen victim to this merciless, unstoppable force. Who hasn't bought a cup of coffee only to have it go lukewarm fifteen minutes later? What about that ice-cold soda that's now room temp?

Fear the Tepid no more! The USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler eradicates a problem that sends perfectly good drinks to an early demise.

*Lukewarm drink abandonment can only successfully be cured by AMA-certified LDA inhibitors.

The USB Warmer & Cooler safely eliminates tepid drinks

The USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler will heat a drink up to about 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. That's not hot enough to burn papers that may get tossed on top of it. You'd have to get it up to somewhere approximately in the close vicinity 451 degrees fahrenheit for paper to catch fire.

The USB Warmer & Cooler will cool a drink down to about 55 degrees. Of course, that is not cool enough for you to get your tongue stuck to the device, so go ahead and take those triple dog dares.

Top view
Top view.
Side view
Side view.
Rear view
Rear view.
Flick the switch to activate heating or cooling.

This product could save your marriage

Yes, that's a bold statement. In fact, it's bold and orange. Here's the point: With the flick of a switch, you can go from heating a beverage to cooling a beverage. This can have serious impact on your life.

Imagine the following scenario: Your spouse yells, "Honey, the neighbor's cat is scratching little Johnny's leg!" You grab a piping hot cup of coffee off your USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler and toss it on Mr. Jinx. He runs away, a little shocked, but not injured. This is good, but not spectacular. Your son has sustained a few nasty scrapes.

So, you grab a bottle of water (which you smartly put on the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler after grabbing the cat-dousing hot cup of joe) and rinse out those scrapes. Your son is feeling better, your spouse is reminded why they married you, and Mr. Jinx will have a nice coffee surprise the next time he licks himself clean. Everyone's happy!

USB Cafe pad with the Van Gogh Disappearing Ear Mug
USB Christmas Tree on top of computer.
Keep your soda cool and refreshing.
The USB Beverage Cup Warmer and Cooler will keep your $18 Starbucks beverage at the perfect temperature.

Instruction manual is only necessary as entertainment

The instruction manual for the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler features some awesome Chinese-to-English translations. Here are a few of the gems:

  • "request the cup can transmit heat" - We think this means that the warmer only works if the cup that you put onto it can transmit heat. So, don't put a Thermos on may not work too well.
  • "Put the products in the steady place after taken it from the packing."
  • "Put the cup on the working position. Now you may enjoy your life!"

The reason why we're making fun of the instructions is because this device is so easy to use, you don't really need instructions. But, we applaud the manufacturer for putting in the effort and giving us a little chuckle.

Questions about the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler

1. Will it actually keep my drink warm?

Answer: Yes, it gets up to about 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit. Our USB Drink Warmer with 4-port hub may get a little warmer.

2. Does the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler actually keep a drink cool?

Answer: Definitely. It basically has a heat exchanger inside of it (which includes a little fan). That's why it's a little thicker than the USB Drink Warmer with 4-port hub and it has a series of vents in the front. This allows the air flow that is necessary to cool down the plate that you put your drink on top of. So, it's kind of like a small air conditioner that doesn't require changing filters. Just plug it into a powered USB port and you're all set.

3. How long is the cord?

Answer: It's 42 inches long (3.5 feet). You can buy a USB extension cable if that isn't long enough. In all, the USB Warmer & Cooler weighs a little less than 1 lb.

4. Will the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler work on my computer?

Answer: Yes, but only if your computer has a USB port. If your keyboard looks anything like what you see below, you have a Commodore 64 and it's actually 1987 right now. The Internet doesn't exist and this web page hasn't been made yet. Poof!

USB Cafe Pad will not work with an Apple ][
If your keyboard looks anything like this, you probably don't have a USB port.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

Burning Questions: You Ask and We Answer

Burning Questions: You ask and we answer!
Your questions that have been answered by the staff:
Is that make noise?
When you're using the cooling feature of the USB Warmer / Cooler, the internal fan does generate some noise. This is mostly noticeable when it's first turned on. Once it gets going, the noise levels off to a low hum.
Have one that plugs into AC ?
No. You may be able to find a USB to AC cord that would allow you to use the USB Drink Cooler/Warmer in your wall outlet, but we don't offer them.
What is the maximum size for the base of the mug that it can handle?
The diameter of the metal warming circle is 2.5 inches.
How much weight can it hold?
The manufacturer suggests you place nothing on the device that weighs more than 35 ounces.
does this draw alot of power from the computer itself? Will it slow down my applications?
No, the USB Warmer and Cooler does not draw a lot of power (only 5V) and will not have any effect on the speed of your computer.
is this product launched in india...
We don't know of any stores in India selling the USB Drink Warmer and Cooler. Vat19 ships worldwide, so we can ship to India.
Does it have an on/off switch? I see the switch for warm/cool, but not on/off. Many thanks, KG
No, the USB Warmer/Cooler doesn't have an on/off switch. To turn it on, you just plug it in, and to turn it off, you can unplug it.
Do you send to Brazil?
Yes, ships worldwide.
If I put the cool setting on with a hot drink, will it blow hot air at me?
You may find that the USB Warmer/Cooler sends out a very soft stream of air from the vents you see on the front. It may seem a little cool or a little warm, but it's definitely not an extreme temperature. If you don't like that, you can always flip it around and blow it in the other direction.
The top of the page says "keep a beverage cool as ice" but the FAQ says that the cooler plate never gets colder than 55 degrees. Am I missing something?
If your beverage is already very cold (i.e. "cool as ice"), then the USB Warmer/Cooler will help it retain that temperature. The USB Warmer/Cooler cannot actually cool down a drink that is already warm.
Does the temperature work on certain containers only? what average temp increase and decrease can i expect?
To get maximum heat (or cold) transfer through the USB Warmer / Cooler, you'll need to use a cup or mug that comes directly into contact with the metal plate on top. Non-insulated glasses or mugs work best. For details on the temperatures you can expect, check out our video. We used a thermometer to measure the temperatures precisely.
can you personalize your company logo on this? does not offer this service, but we think you should be able to find an imprinting company that could do this for you.
How does your wonderful product cope with condensation from very cold beverages? Say a tall pilner glass of beer?
Condensation droplets should not have any effect on the USB Beverage Warmer and Cooler.
Is it a good idea to use a 5V DC 500mA (max!) USB port to power something that is almost certainly a peltier heat pump and a fan? Wouldn't it be better to use a proper power supply or even batteries??
We aren't sure, but we do not recommend trying to modify or overpower the USB Drink Warmer and Cooler.
Is the cord removable?
No. The USB Warmer Cooler's cord is attached.
Can I heat up some instant cup of noodles on this?
You can use the USB Warmer and Cooler to help keep your cup of noodles warm, but it does not get hot enough to actually heat up soup or drinks.
How does it accomplish the heating/cooling? Does it use a peltier module?
Unfortunately, we don't know the answer to this question.
Is there a way to control the temperature? Say I would like it to remain at 100F?
Sorry, but apart from changing the setting from hot to cold, there is no way to minutely adjust the temperature.
Can I buy adaptor wall cord for it?
A number of electronics stores do sell USB to standard wall outlet conversion cords, but we don't sell such a device.
what is the coldest it goes?
The USB Warmer and Cooler will cool down to about 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
how long does it take to heat up or cool down to the highest/lowest temperature?
The USB Warmer / Cooler heats up and cools down pretty darn quickly. In our tests, it warmed from 78 degrees Fahrenheit to 104 in about four minutes. Then, with the temperature still rising, we switched it over to the cooling function, and the temperature dropped from 104 degrees Fahrenheit to 64 in four minutes. Check out our video to witness our tests.
What is the hottest temperature this product can get to?
The USB Warmer & Cooler gets up to about 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the coldest temperature the device can go to?
The USB Warmer & Cooler will cool a drink down to about 55 degrees.
Can I have this item personalized with a company logo?
Sorry, but does not offer personalization services. You may be able to have this done by a local service.
Hello i want to know how many watts can this support I need it in INDIA
The USB Warmer/Cooler is compatible with any USB port. Because USB ports are the same worldwide, you shouldn't have any problems using this product in any country.
What type of materials can you put on it?
I would avoid paper and plastic cups/mugs if you're using the heating function. Apart from that there isn't really any limitation.
How much power does it from my laptop? Does it effects battery life?
USB ports can only transmit 5V and 500mA. With that being said, anything that's plugged into a laptop will drain the battery.
will the usb cup beverage warmer and cooler make beverages cold or does the beverage have to be cold to begin with? E.g. if the bottle of water is lukewarm will it make the water cold if you put it on the cooler and if so how long would that take?
The cooler is much better at maintaining a cool temperature than bringing something down to a cool temperature. Think of it as a little powered koozie that you don't have to slip over your drink.
Is there any noise from a fan or motor?
The noise of the internal fan is most noticeable when you first turn on the cooling feature of the USB Warmer Cooler. However, once it gets going, it will quiet down into a low hum.
Is this safe to use with a laptop? how about the Cafe Pad?
Yes, both the USB Warmer and Cooler and the USB Cafe Pad are safe to use with a laptop. Just like any other peripheral, it will simply use your laptop's battery.
Caribou Coffee paper cups. How well does the cafe pad keep it warm (small surface area where there is direct physical contact)?
Since you say the contact is direct, the USB Cooler / Warmer should transfer the heat pretty effectively. As you suggested, a larger contact area would definitely be ideal, but you should still find that it substantially prolongs the warmth of your beverage.
Will it still work if I turned my computer off?
If your USB ports continue to draw power once the computer is off, then yes.
Could I use it with beer bottles on the cool setting?
You could! There's nothing better than keeping your beer colder longer.
Will the plate get cold enough to stick my tongue on it?
No, the plate does not become freezing cold.
When will you have one with a regular plug for a wall outlet?
Sorry, but we do not have plans to carry a model with a regular wall adapter.
if you spill on it, will it break?
The USB Beverage Warmer and Cooler can hold up to moderate amounts of liquid, such as condensation and small spills, but completely soaking it could be damaging.
I've seen things like these before that heat up candles without the need to light it. Could we use this to do that too? (:
Sorry, but the USB Drink Warmer/Cooler should only be used for heating/cooling your drink.
How cold does it get and how long will it take?
The cooling feature will get as low as 55 degrees Fahrenheit in just a matter of minutes.
this product can be used with styrofoam cups correct?
Yes. If your cup can withstand the temperature of extremely hot coffee, it should be fine for use with the USB Warmer & Cooler.
How does it work?
The unit draws power from your USB port to power a small heating/cooling element which will help keep your drink at that perfect temperature.
When a cup sweats will it be bad for the gadget?
Condensation droplets should not have any effect on the USB Beverage Warmer and Cooler.
What's the prize to send it to the Netherlands?
That depends on the shipping method that you choose. Please click on the green "Calculate Shipping" link at the top of the product page, right below the price. Simply enter your country and the number of USB Warmer/Coolers you would like to purchase, and it will show your options. Please note that the shipping prices listed do not include the cost of the item itself.
I see it used with cans, but is it safe/good to use with 20/24oz plastic pop bottles? (keeping cool, of course).
Yes, it is safe to put a plastic bottle on the USB Warmer and Cooler when it is in COOL mode only.
It may sound dumb but is it flammable?
Don't worry, the USB Warmer and Cooler is not flammable.
Can I use it with Ceramic mugs?
Of course. Most coffee mugs are made of ceramic.
Will it shut itself off if I forget about it and fall asleep?
No, the USB Warmer & Cooler does not have an automatic shutoff.
Can I plug it into the USB port in my new Chrysler 200S?
That will only work if it's a powered USB port (which I'm pretty sure it is).
Does this work with my sony PS3's USB port?
Yes, the USB Beverage Cup Warmer & Cooler will work with any powered USB port. That means it will work with all current-gen gaming consoles as well as PCs.
By putting a Styrofoam cup on it, will the chemicals of the styrofoam go into the drink and kill me??
The USB Drink Warmer, much like the coffee that is in the styrofoam cup, does not get hot enough to release any dangerous chemicals.
Can I put the metal part directly in water for instant cooling?
No, do not submerge the USB Warmer/Cooler in water.
Will it cool like a soda cup? Like a fountain one? I know its a stupid question, but I'm thinking about getting one for my MOMMA! She would love it...
It will help keep a soda cup (or can) cooler for longer. That's not a stupid question! We hope you end up buying one for her and she loves it!
Information about usb cup warmer life cycle
The manufacturer tells us that the lifespan for the USB Warmer/Cooler is about 10,000 hours. Quite a long time!
Can I use one of the rechargable battery packs with it so I can use it on the go?
Unless you're referring to some sort of generator with a USB port, the answer is no.
does you use a fan or compressor for cool beverage?
Unfortunately, we don't know the answer to this question. All we know is that it uses a small, low power heating and cooling element.
What would happen if you left it on for 1 day?
Apart from being made warm, not much. It's not a terribly good idea to leave devices like this on longer than you need them to be because it could wear out the heating element prematurely.
can it heat up my Ramen? (by the way, this is out curiosity but are you a nintendo, microsoft,or a sony fan?)
The plate does not get hot enough to cook Ramen. As for your game companies, I have all of them so I really don't prefer one over the other.
Do you have any Vat19 locations near Herndon, Virginia, USA?
No. We do not have brick and mortar stores anywhere, as we're only an online company. Our warehouse is located in St. Louis, MO.
Will it cool down cans of drink like a Dr Pepper can?
Of course!
what is the exact temperature of the surface if you turn it in to cold and the exact temperature for warm?
The USB Warmer & Cooler gets up to about 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as 55.
I'd just like to point out that most cell phone chargers now come with a removable AC plug head which accommodates a USB cord. So, if you have such a charger you could certainly plug your warmer/cooler into that plug head and go AC. What you think?
We haven't tried it, but it should work. It may not make much difference though, as those plugs restrict the amount of energy going to a device from the wall outlet.
can i use it to warm up a cold soda (cold soda burns by throat)?
No, not really. The USB Warmer and Cooler is meant to maintain the existing temperature of a drink (keep a cool drink cool or a hot drink hot). It does not warm up or cool down drinks.
Are you able to use it on porcelain cups?
The manufacturer does not recommend using the USB Warmer Cooler with porcelain, as that material does not transmit warm or cool very well.
Does it come in other colors?
The USB Warmer and Cooler is currently only available in the white color seen on our page.
Im not real sure where the usb port is. Is it where you plug in like your ipod or stuff like that? Ps sorry for asking such a dumb question.
No problem! Most peripheral devices these days are plugged in via a USB port. Assuming your computer was put together sometime after the mid-90s, it should have a USB port.
Does this product ship free to other countries if we buy over 99 dollars worth?
No, the free shipping offer is only for orders that ship within the USA.
If I was eating a small snack (say a few french fries or 2, maybye 3 cocktail sausages for example) Would I be able to keep them warm without cooking them? If I could... that'd be awseome...
Probably not. The USB Warmer Cooler is really only meant for beverages. The pad does not become hot enough to actually cook or reheat anything.
Can I use it with the Tetris Heat Changing Mug? *Cross Promo*
How long is 10,000 hours?
10,000 hours is approximately 416 days.
What can I heat or cool with this and what can I not use with it?
The USB Warmer and Cooler does not heat up or cool down drinks; it simply maintains their temperature. So, if you have it in cooler mode, it will keep an already-cold drink cool. If you have it in warmer mode, it will keep an already-hot drink warm. It works best with non-insulated flat-bottom mugs or glasses. Do not put plastic on the device when it is in warmer mode. Also, be careful with very thin glass. Placing a cold glass on a hot pad, or placing a hot glass on a cold pad, could result in breakage.
Don't you think the video would have been a lot better if you were measuring the temperature changes of the liquid inside of a cup?
Probably. Forgive us, we were young and naive.
Is the fan noisy? I want to use this when I'm studying.
The noise of the internal fan is most noticeable when you first turn on the cooling feature of the USB Warmer / Cooler. However, once it gets going, it will quiet down into a low hum.
Can i heat up soup on it?
No. The plate doesn't get nearly hot enough to cook soup on. You might be more interested in an actual hotplate.
Can you burn yourself on it?
No, the plate does not get hot enough to burn your skin.
Where do you ship from?
We do all of our shipping from our warehouse in St. Louis, MO.
Could you heat up Traveling Mugs too, won't it break?
Travel mugs are usually insulated, so the USB Drink Warmer & Cooler might not work very well.
Are there any cup materials I should be worried about with this? I know you said paper won't catch fire, but what about specialty glasses cracking?
You do not have to worry about cracking or breaking as long as the mug you place on the warmer/cooler is near the same temperature as the warmer/cooler. If the warmer is very warm and you place a very cold mug on it, or vice versa, you may risk the mug cracking or breaking. However, we have not had or heard of any problems with mugs cracking or breaking when using the warmer/cooler.
Is it hot enough to heat up scented candles for their scent?
No, the USB Warmer/Cooler does not get hot enough to melt scented wax very effectively.
Can I light a match with it
The USB Warmer and Cooler does not get hot enough to ignite a match.
How does it become hot and cold, please explain.
The unit draws power from your USB port to power a small heating/cooling element which will help keep your drink at that perfect temperature.
Can I put any type of cup or bottle on it?
You should be fine with most types of cups or bottles, but just use common sense. For example, do not put a plastic water bottle on the pad when it is hot. Also, be careful with very thin glass. Placing a cold glass on a hot pad, or placing a hot glass on a cold pad, could result in breakage.
Since this product is made in China, do I need to worry about lead poisoning from the paint?
No, the manufacturer assures us that the USB Warmer and Cooler does not contain lead. It has passed RoHS testing.
Can this product operate through and Playstation 2 console?
The USB Warmer and Cooler will work through any USB port. So, yes, it should work fine with a PS2.
Could it works if I use it with an "I'm not a paper cup"-cup without ruining the cup???
The manufacturer does not recommend using the USB Drink Warmer and Cooler with double-walled mugs, unless they are stainless steel.
I see the switch has a "cool" and "warm" setting. Is there also an "Off" position?
No, the USB Warmer and Cooler does not have an "off" position. You can either unplug it or leave it on the "cool" position when not in use.
Will it cool down room temp drinks or simply keep them cooled if they are already so?
The USB Warmer and Cooler won't really cool down a room temperature drink. It will simply slow down the warming up of an already cool drink back to room temp. Think of the USB Warmer and Cooler as a large ice cube that doesn't melt.
I want to buy a stainless steel cup for my cooler, its diameter is 8cm, will it fit in the cooler? Is it too big or to small for the cooling surface?
The heating/cooling surface on the USB Warmer & Cooler is 2.5 inches in diameter (about 6.5cm), so it would be a little small for your mug. We also carry a USB Cafe Pad that warms mugs (no cooling), and its heating surface has a diameter of about 3.25 inches (around 8cm).

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