Wobbly Whiskey Glasses: Set of 6
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Wobbling Whiskey Glasses (set of 6)

Distinctive barware for the distinctive drinker.

Wobbling Whiskey Glasses
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Wobbly Whiskey Glasses feature a convex bottom which keeps them tilted when at rest.

The design demands you fidget with them, but no matter whether you're pouring two fingers, three fingers, or a whole fistful, Wobbly Whiskey Glasses won't spill.

Fun to spin, tap, and even slide across a table, Wobbling Whiskey Glasses are high-quality barware that any connoisseur will enjoy. Six glasses per set.

Features & specs

  • Dimensions (per glass): x 3.25" x 2.75" diameter
  • Capacity: 6.7 oz (200 mL)
  • Dishwasher safe

Let me tell you a story about the "Bulbous Tunc"

The bulbous "cone" of glass at the bottom of the Wobbly Whiskey Glass is known as a tunc. In traditional (non-wobbly) glassware, it's purpose is to prevent the glass from tipping over.

In the case of the Wobbly Whiskey Glass, it's what gives these glasses their distinctive style. We also think "Bulbous Tunc" sounds like a character from Star Wars. So, that's cool.

The convex bottom gives the Wobbly Whisky Glass its distinctive "gangsta lean".

Fun to fidget with, won't spill!

The Wobbling Whiskey Glass simply begs to be played with. Give it a light tap or spin the lip and these glasses will sproll, but they won't spill!

Playing bartender at home? Another awesome benefit of the Wobbly Whiskey Glass is that you can slide them across a table with surprising ease. 

It may seem counterintuitive, but the Wobbling Whiskey Glass is far more difficult to knock over than a traditional glass.

A baker's half-dozen minus one

Each set includes six Wobbly Whiskey Glasses. It's the perfect gift for your favorite whiskey connoisseur. 

Wobbly Whiskey Glasses are sold in a set of six.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I drink other things besides whiskey from these glasses?

Answer: I think we can all agree that the rabbit is in the monastery.*

*Ask a silly question and you shall receive a silly answer.

Question: If I fill the glass all the way up to the rim and make it wobble, will it spill?

Answer: Of course. But traditionally, one doesn't pour themselves over 6 ounces of liquor at a time! Two (heck, even three or four) fingers of whiskey will definitely stay inside the glass as the glass wobbles. 

Question: Are they dishwasher safe?

Answer: Yes!

Question: Hey, aren't these just like your Hula Wobbling Tumblers?

Answer: We were attached to the now-discontinued Hula Wobbling Tumblers, and they'll always hold a special place in our heart. But, we just couldn't pass these up! Not only are they less expensive, but they come in a bigger set and are a slightly thicker grade of glass. Also, being clear, they'll match any decor.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

Burning Questions: You Ask and We Answer

Burning Questions: You ask and we answer!
Your questions that have been answered by the Vat19.com staff:
Is it only for whiskey?
I'm afraid so. Any other liquid you put in these glasses will be immediately shot out and the glass could possibly burst into flames.
So now my glass can be as tipsy as I am?
That's the idea!
Iced tea would it work?
Truth be told, the Wobbly Whiskey Glasses do not care what liquid you put in them.
How fast can I spin the glass before everything spills?
We do not endorse alcohol abuse. Let's just say that it would require an unreasonable and deliberate amount of effort to get the Wobbling Whiskey Glasses to spill.
If you put a whiskey ice ball in the glass would it still wobble and not spill?
That is correct!
Can i have the whiskey stones in the glass and eat the whiskey praline pecans while drinking whiskey from the glass?
You'd be doing it wrong if you weren't!
If i put whiskey stone in it will it work?
If you pour 1-2 ounces of whiskey, yes.
I don't drink alcohol but how many ounces (preferably milliliters) can this glass hold
We include this information at the very top of the page in the "Features and Specs" section. It's 200mL.
Could I drink tea from these?
Iced tea, yes. You should never fill drinking glasses with hot drinks, as it could break the glass, or worse, burn your hand.
My mom is always saying "You can't put hot drinks in a glass cup"... can you put hot liquids in one of these?
No. Not only will you burn your fingers but it could break the glass.
Does it wobble or just lean to one side?
It's perfectly capable of both, actually. It will wobble when you set it down and eventually settle into a nice lean.
Is this like the previous product you sold here but not in stock any more
Similar, but these are thicker and clear.
So if I push one with force will the beverage spill?
Sure, but the same can be said for any drinking glass.
Made in USA?
Wobbling Whiskey Glasses are made in Thailand.
Are the glasses made out of glass or plastic?
They're made of glass.
If you try to knock it down, will it fall easily?
No. It would require the same amount of deliberate effort to knock over the Wobbling Whiskey Glass as it would any other glass. Don't try to knock it down and you'll never have to worry about it.
Would you get wobbly if you had a set of six?
I think it depends on the party liquor you're imbibing. I could probably handle 6 Apfelkorns, but after 6 tequilas I'd definitely be wobbling.
How do they not tip over? Use calculus to explain.
There's no need to. The picture illustrates how perfectly.
Is it possible to get this sent in an unmarked or minimally marked package, because it would be a shame for the person I am buying this for to realize what it is if they find it on the porch before me
Unfortunately, all of our boxes say Vat19 on the outside. Hopefully they won't guess what is inside if they see the package before you!
Can It be weighed down All the way,Making it Fall Down?
I suppose it's possible, but not with just liquor.
Why did you not advertise these with Whiskey Stones? That would've been a great cross-promo!
We did! Check out the shot right before the Dopplegangster shows up.
Do they come with a warranty?
All of the products we sell at Vat19 are backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. For more information, please click here.
Is it spinnable?
Yes but it might get a little messy with liquor in them.
It's technically a baker's half-dozen minus one half, because a baker's dozen is 13, 13/2 is 6.5, and 6.5-ONE HALF is 6.
The unit of "baker" = 1. Therefore, a baker's half-dozen = 6 + 1.

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