X-Ray Deck of Playing Cards: Deceptively Translucent
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X-Ray Deck of Cards

Deceptively translucent playing cards featuring x-ray skulls.

X-Ray Deck of Cards
An ingenious design allows for the transparent nature of the X-Ray Deck of Playing Cards.
Due to its clever printing, the X-Ray Cards are semi-transparent but opaque to your competitors.
Images of the face cards, non face cards, and jokers from the X-Ray Deck of Cards.
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  • X-Ray Deck of Cards
  • An ingenious design allows for the transparent nature of the X-Ray Deck of Playing Cards.
  • Due to its clever printing, the X-Ray Cards are semi-transparent but opaque to your competitors.
  • Images of the face cards, non face cards, and jokers from the X-Ray Deck of Cards.
  • Watch video for: X-Ray Deck of Cards
In Stock
Item #3676


X-Ray Playing Cards give a whole new meaning to "face" card.

The clear plastic cards allow you to see through them, but they won't reveal their suit or value to your opponents. The stunning visual effect is made possible through clever use of a halftone printing process.

Each card features nearly identical and haunting images of a skull on each side. The back of each card is printed in black; the front, blue. And the face cards plus two jokers receive fun splashes of color and additional features such as eyes, teeth, and a brain.

Includes 52 cards plus two jokers.

Features & specs

  • 52 card deck + 2 jokers
  • Unique see-through design

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Delightfully macabre playing cards

Comic books are well-known for their use of the half-tone printing process. It produces a characteristic dotted image that clearly provides the inspiration for these clever playing cards.

While you can see through these clear plastic cards, you can't see what cards your opponent is holding.

Hands holding a pair of X-Ray Playing Cards.
An ingenious design allows for the transparent nature of the X-Ray Deck of Playing Cards.

See-through, but not revealing

Each card's back is nearly identical to its front for a stunning visual effect. And by employing a savvy printing method, the suit and value of the card is indecipherable to your competition.  

Front and back views of the X-Ray Playing Cards.
Due to its clever printing, the X-Ray Cards are semi-transparent but opaque to your competitors.

Gives a whole new meaning to "face cards"

We love eerily awesome things and the X-Ray Deck of Cards certainly fits the bill! Each card features the x-ray of a skull on each side. One side features a black skull while the other, blue.

The face cards feature a colored brain, eyes, or teeth while the jokers feature duo-tone printing.

Images of the face cards, non face cards, and jokes from the X-Ray Deck of Cards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What are they made from?

Answer: X-Ray Playing Cards are made from transparent plastic. They have the same weight and feel as standard playing cards.

Question: Will they float?

Answer: Yes. But isn't it funny that we're always asked if our playing cards float?

Question: Are you positive that my opponents can't tell the suit and value of the card?

Answer: Absolutely!

Question: Are these cooler than your Deck of Black Playing Cards?

Answer: Why thank you for helping to facilitate a cross promo on this page! We think both decks are infinitely awesome. So it's really up to your personal preference. Although we'd be remiss in our job as retailers to not suggest buying both sets.

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