Creatibles DIY Eraser Kit
Make your own pencil erasers!
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein
Feel free to have fun with your mistakes by constructing your own delightful erasers using the Creatibles DIY Eraser Kit. The portable kit includes twelve colors of clay that can be sculpted and molded into wacky creatures, beautiful flowers, or anything else your creative mind can imagine.
When you’ve completed your masterpiece, simply bake the clay, and your new custom eraser is ready to help you wipe away mistakes.
Each colored clay square comes in a reusable case to keep the clay from drying out before it’s time to play again. If your creativity takes you beyond the twelve colors available, try mixing the clay together to form new hues.
Features & specs
- 12 clay colors
- Mixable clay for more hues
- Reusable case
- Ages 4 and up
- Adult supervision required when baking
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Fun custom erasers!
When you sculpt with clay, the result is a freeform expression of your creativity. Take that creativity and transform it into an artist’s tool with the Creatibles DIY Eraser Kit.
The kit includes twelve different colors of clay which you can sculpt into your very own erasers! Make a mini monster ready to devour mistakes, or cook up a tasty-looking treat for the end of your pencil. No matter what design you dream up, they’re erasers, so there aren’t any mistakes!
Heat to complete!
To turn your art into a working eraser, simply place your newly formed creations on a baking sheet and heat them in the oven for 30 minutes. For those young Michelangelos out there, make sure to have adult supervision when using the oven.
If you can’t stand the heat, you can’t make an eraser!
Jon and Joey take them for a test drive!
In episode #3 of Peep This, Jon and Joey have a bit of fun (perhaps too much fun?) with Creatibles. Check it out!
These aren't some novelty; they erase really well!
Creatibles DIY Erasers aren't all looks and zero substance. These are high-quality erasers that will get the job done.
Art imitates and erases life.
Mixing = More Colors
With twelve colors, you’re sure to have plenty of options when sculpting. But to expand your palette even further, try mixing colors together for new hues and shades.
Millions of color choices!
Question: Will the clay dry out over time?
Answer: No, the clay should remain pliable if kept in the included case at room temperature.
Question: Are they still sculptable once they have been through the oven?
Answer: No, the baking process will set the clay and give it the firmness needed to erase.
Question: What colors come with the kit?
Answer: You can blend custom hues with the provided colors, but the kit comes with white, yellow, orange, red, red-orange, pink, purple, light blue, blue, green, brown, and black.
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