Jumbo StickIt Pad: 80 giant sticky notes
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Jumbo StickIt Pad - 80 adhesive sheets

These giant sticky notes are 36 times larger than a standard Post-It!

Jumbo StickIt Pad
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Our Jumbo StickIt Pads feature 80 adhesive sheets that are 12" x 12". These sheets are nearly identical to a standard Post-Itr Note, except that the Jumbo StickIt sheets are 36 times larger!

Ensure your messages receive the attention they deserve with these outrageously oversized sticky notes.

For people who like:

Features & specs

  • Dimensions: 12"x12" adhesive sheets
  • Includes 80 sheets per pad (marker not included)
  • Similar to a Post-It® Note, just bigger!
  • Sticky area: 1.75" tall band along the top of the sheet

36 times larger than a standard PostIt®

At Vat19.com, bigger is always better. We've got jumbo beer glasses, jumbo margarita glasses, and jumbo wine glasses. Of course, not everything jumbo has to be alcohol-related. Case in point: the Jumbo StickIt Pad.

Each giant sticky note is a gargantuan 12"x12" which makes it 36 times larger than a standard 2"x2" PostIt® Note.

Each Jumbo StickIt Note is 36 times larger than a standard PostIt® Note.
Each ginormous Jumbo StickIt Sheet is one-square-foot in size. Jumbo, indeed!
Also, can you spot the cross-promo in the photo?

Give your messages that extra "oomph"

We all feel like screaming sometimes. However, there aren't always people around to listen to our lunatic rantings. That's why the written word was invented.

Make sure your brilliant messages shine brightly with our one-square-foot sticky notes. It's nearly impossible to miss a message written on one of our giant sticky notes!

Add impact to your messages with these giant post it notes.
If you're going to speak your mind, speak it loudly with our Jumbo StickIt Adhesive Sheets.

Your Honey-Do lists will never be overlooked

If your significant other conveniently ignores your lists of chores and groceries, we're certain that the problem is the message delivery device and not the message.

A standard Post-It® Note is only 2"x2" -- a measly 4 square inches that is easy to overlook. A Jumbo StickIt Note, on the other hand, is a massive 12"x12". That's 144 square inches of impossible-to-ignore messaging.

These Jumbo PostIt notes ensure your messages never go left unread.
Ensure your important messages get the attention they deserve with Jumbo StickIt Notes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is the entire back of the sheet adhesive?

Answer: No. Just like a standard PostIt® Note, there is a band along the top of the note that is sticky. However, on the Jumbo StickIt Sheet, this band is 1.75" tall (almost as tall as a regular Post-It® Note)!

Question: Why would I ever need these jumbo sticky notes?

Answer: "Need" and "want" are two very different things.

Question: How many sheets come on each pad?

Answer: Each pad of giant sticky notes includes 80 adhesive sheets. That's a total of 11,520 square inches of monstrous sticky note.

Question: How were Post-It® Notes invented?

Answer: They were actually invented somewhat by accident. The story is pretty fascinating and is included (coincidentally) on our Accidental Inventions DVD (wink, wink).

Question: Where do I download the MP3 of the 'We Do It Jumbo' song?

Answer: We're so glad you asked! Not only can you download the MP3, but we've also got the video available for download onto your iPhone. Enjoy!

We Do It Jumbo pays tribute to giant post it notes.

Download the 'We Do It Jumbo' MP3

Download the 'We Do It Jumbo' iPhone Video


Not sure what we're talking about? Check out the video near the top of the page.

Where can I buy this awesomeness?

*Note: The product details shown on Vat19 may vary from what is available at the store(s) above.

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