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Make your own gummy with this cute kit!
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Gummy treat shaped and styled like the breakfast food!
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3D strawberry gummies with a deliciously juicy center!
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BBQ flavored microwave popcorn.
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Cream-stuffed licorice bites that taste like Hot Tamales.
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Movie munchies with a minty twist.
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Delicious nuggets with S'more flavor.
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Flexible, foldable, edible lollipops.
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A bite-sized burger made of gummy!
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Colorful, wobbly writing utensils.
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Gummy candy inspired by the fruity breakfast cereal.
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A premium pocket-sized watercolor palette.
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The world's smallest ice cream maker.
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Rub underneath your eyes to cry on command!
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Every bean could be either super tasty or wildly wacky.
$3.99 to $9.49
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A half-ounce bag of the famously spicy pepper.
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Fun Fact #109:
Danny and Joey built a custom flame-thrower that can use Ghost Pepper Firedust Candy as fuel. It's an awesome way to burn Calories!
A chocolate bar packed with Carolina Reaper Pepper!
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Delicious popping candy you eat with a lollipop.
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Make healthy homemade potato chips in minutes.
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The only way to eat from the garbage!
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Happy little energy drink.
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Make your water Internet famous.
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The world's most sour cotton candy!
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A squishy silicone cup that contains a pop-up pup!
Sold Out
A fun fatty fidget!
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A glow-in-the-dark zipper companion!
Sold Out (More Mar. 21)
A drawing party game that puts your hips to work!
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A shirt that reminds us that the messier the snack, the better!
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Declare your love of snacks with this t-shirt!
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A misattribution of cosmic proportions.
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Blends two Harrison Ford heroes for your trolling pleasure!
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Results 271 - 300 of 912