All Product Awesomeness
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All-natural flavor straws encourage milk drinking.
$2.99 to $24.99
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Freeze-dried ready-to-eat space desserts!
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A whole bag of only delicious cereal marshmallows!
Sold Out (More Mar. 19)
A colossally annoying poultry prank toy.
In Stock
Small but intense bar of super spicy chocolate.
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Add amazing boba to any beverage!
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Desktop goat statue that makes a screaming noise.
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Transparent putty turns from clear to cloudy and back.
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Ugly-but-cute stuffed micro-animal!
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The world's most sour hard candy!
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The world's most sour rock candy.
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Purple hot cocoa from a spell-bounding cauldron!
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Super-strong, saliva-stimulating mints.
Sold Out (More Mar. 10)
Delicious gummy bears 18 times the size of a regular gummy bear.
In Stock
Make your high fives even awesomer.
$6.50 to $9.99
In Stock
Nearly 90 times larger than a standard gummy bear.
$9.99 to $12.99
In Stock
Fun Fact #138:
At Vat19, we can start a fire with a carabiner, belt, or shoelaces. We’re basically a quirky MacGyver.
Bulk bag of flavored gummy rainforest frogs.
In Stock
A cow-themed stress toy that sticks to your desk.
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A delicious carbonated drink made with real cocoa!
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A gummy candy styled like the classic summer treat.
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Sweet sodas flavored like delicious pies.
$4.99 to $27.99
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Individually wrapped, ready-to-eat sweet bacon.
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Over-the-door basketball hoop laundry hamper.
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Carbonated soft drinks that taste like cake.
$4.99 to $27.99
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Bite-size chocolate cookies with white milk chocolate chunks.
$8.99 to $37.99
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Pump-action rubber band shotgun with 10-shot capacity.
$3.50 to $32.99
In Stock
Delicious dessert candies poured into real pie shells.
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Make your own pencil erasers!
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A dazzling, color-changing thinking putty.
In Stock
A block stacking game with an electrifying twist.
In Stock
Video-game gummies flavored with real fruit juice.
In Stock
Results 31 - 60 of 912