Our most popular items... Feel the peer pressure!
A surprise selection of curated Vat19 goodies.
Five-pound gummy bear is equal to 1400 regular-sized bears.
Three pounds and 4,000 calories of gummy goodness.
Two pounds of sour and sweet gummy goodness!
The world's most sour soda.
The amazing tablet that turns sour foods sweet.
Plush weaponry for epic and safe pillow fights!
Addictive bite-sized morsels of awesomeness.
The world's most sour taffy!
Ninety times larger than a regular gummy cola bottle.
Tiny neo-magnets for building, fidgeting, stress relief.
Wild sodas that taste like popular foods.
Create a slushy from your favorite drinks in less than a minute.
Thinking putty with mind-blowing magnetic properties.
A stress toy that looks like an Oreo cookie!
Wacky and weird electronic musical instrument.
Fun Fact #79:
We earned our Gold Play Button from YouTube when we reached 1 million subscribers in November 2014.
Shoot fireballs from your wrist!
Pepper-shaped gummies infused with real pepper!
Sweet sodas flavored like delicious pies.
Two feet of increasing spiciness!
A modern take on the classic kaleidoscope!
A hefty hunk of watermelon-flavored gummy.
Delicious dessert candies poured into real pie shells.
Sweet gummy candy with a juicy center!
Transparent putty turns from clear to cloudy and back.
Inflatable arm chair that looks like delicious candy.
Candy fruits with edible skins!
65 times larger than a normal lollipop!
Foul-smelling putricant will clear any room.
A weirdly cute light-up Japanese creature.
A whole bag of only delicious cereal marshmallows!
Freeze-dried ready-to-eat space desserts!
Fun Fact #184:
One of the products we've had on our site the longest is a pen that writes in metal instead of ink!
The delicious 7-foot-long gummy snake.
All-natural flavor straws encourage milk drinking.
Sour. Sweet. Squish.
The only ICEE you can squeeze!
Results 1 -
of 36